送柳使君赴袁州 Send Liu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Go Yuanzhou
戏题赠二小男 Opera inscribed for two men
谪官后卧病官舍,简贺兰侍郎(一作贬睦州祖庸见赠) Exile, after official Be on one's back Official residences simple, terse, succinct, a letter Helan Assistant minister One for derogatory Mu Zhou Zu Yong, see gifts
岁日见新历,因寄都官裴郎中 year With each passing day Send the new calendar because All official (surname) physician trained in herb medicine
青溪口送人归岳州 Qingxi mouth To see (or walk) someone home Return Yuezhou
送灵澈上人还越中 Accompany ling che buddhist monk hand over the amount of sth The more the
送耿拾遗归上都 Send Geng Gleaning Both return
和樊使君登润州城楼 And Fan Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Teng Runzhou city gate tower
饯王相公出牧括州 farewell dinner Kingliness To be away on official duties Animal husbandry, including the state
题灵祐和尚故居 Question Ling Yu Bonze Former Residence
寻龙井杨老 seek, search, look for Longjing tea Yang Lao
闻虞沔州有替,将归上都,登汉东城寄赠 Wen Yu Mian River states have registered for both the Chinese would go to East Side donated
献淮宁军节度使李相公 Huai-Ning Jun Xian Governor of one or more provinces in charge of both civil and military affairs during tang dynasty Li Xiang Gong
观校猎,上淮西相公 Guanxiaolieshang Huaixi xianggongzhuang
送皇甫曾赴上都 accompany Huangfu ceng Both went
送李录事兄归襄邓 To Li Copyist Xiongguixiangdeng
奉酬辛大夫喜湖南腊月连日降雪见示之作 Feng pay laborious Doctor to be fond of Hunan The 12th lunar month Day after day Snow See the making show
登馀干古县城 Dengyugangu county town
将赴岭外,留题萧寺远公院(寺即梁朝萧内史创) Go to outside Ling Comments written after visiting a place Xiao temple Yuan Gong temple to the history of innovation within the Liang Hsiao
北归入至德州界,偶逢洛阳邻家李光宰 north Relegate extremely Texas Every sector even Luoyang Neighbour Li guang butcher