唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
别李氏女子 allo- Li shi curtsy
长沙早春雪后临湘水,呈同游诸子 Changsha municipality (early)spring Ice water was with the tour after the Linxiang the exponents of the various schools of thought during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty
自道林寺西入石路至麓山寺,过法崇禅师故居 Since the Road into Stone Road West to the Monastery Lushansi Chong over law Honorific title for a buddhist monk Former Residence
和袁郎中破贼后军行过剡中山水谨上太尉(即李光弼) Heyuan Physician trained in herb medicine Pozeihou Military bank Guoshan Zhongshan Water Yours faithfully Qiu immediately (a surname) Guang Bi
送郑十二还庐山别业 Send Zheng Troubadour hand over the amount of sth Lushan mountain villa
至饶州寻陶十七不在寄赠 To find Tao Raozhou Seventeen Absence Complimentary Copy
奉陪郑中丞自宣州解印,与诸侄宴馀干后溪 I won't say no. Zheng zhongcheng Xuanzhou solution from India with all other dry nephew Feast si 3
同诸公袁郎中宴筵喜加章服 Yuan with the pinch Physician trained in herb medicine Zhang Xi added service banquet feast
毗陵送邹结先赴河南充判官 Piling, chang prefecture in jiang su province Sent first to go Zou Results Henan province full official
送徐大夫赴广州 Send Xu Doctor attend canton
送荀八过山阴旧县,兼寄剡中诸官 Songxunbaguo Ubac Jiuxian Jianjiyanzhong Zhu Guan
奉饯元侍郎加豫章采访兼赐章服(时初停节度) Yuan Feng preserves Assistant minister adding Tree or camphor tree Cover And give the beginning of chapter stops when clothes official
奉饯郎中四兄罢馀杭太守承恩加侍御史…赴汝南行营 Feng preserves Physician trained in herb medicine Hang the remaining four brothers strike Procurator To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) Increase paternity The censor Go to line camp Runan
会稽王处士草堂壁画衡霍诸山 Hui Jiwang Department disabilities Thatched cottage Fresco Heng huo all Mountain
惠福寺与陈留诸官茶会(得西字) Hui and Liu-Zhu Temple Official tea West will get the word
题灵祐上人法华院木兰花(其树岭南,移植此地) Question Ling Yu Buddhist monk France and China Institute Magnolia flower Avocado South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Transplant Here
宿严维宅送包佶(一作皇甫冉诗) lodge for the night Yan wei Home delivery Bao ji 1 for Huangfu ran poem
送从弟贬袁州(一作皇甫冉诗,题作送从弟豫贬远州) accompany Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Derogatory Yuanzhou 1 for huangfu ran poem The question to send Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Yu derogatory Enshu
无锡东郭送友人游越 Wuxi Tung-kuo Accompany friend Vietnam Tour
送邵州判官往南(一作皇甫冉诗) Send Shao An official rank in ancient china roughly equivalent to a deputy governor government-operated porcelain kiln of the Song Dynasty Southward 1 for Huangfu ran poem
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷148_118
