唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
Climbing in Autumn for a View from the Temple on the Terrace of General Wu
A Farewell to Governor Li on his Way Home to Hanyang
On Seeing Wang Leave for the South
While Visiting on the South Stream the Taoist Priest Chang
New Year's at Changsha
On Leaving Guijiang Again to Xue and Liu
On Passing Jia Yi's House in Changsha
An Evening View of the City of Youzhou After Coming from Hankou to Parrot Island a Poem Sent to my Friend Governor Yuan
On Parting with the Buddhist Pilgrim Ling Che
On Hearing a Lute-player
Farewell to a Buddhist Monk
Every snow accommodation Hibiscus Mountain baas
accompany Zhang qi _Set_ of central Fujian Hua Cui
Qin ji Are to Housekeeping Be defamatory because of the old mountain every load View Cui public see poetry to gift of knowledge
At night Gift of snow Qin ji During the early Qin and Xie Cure Family in Vietnam
Xiang Concubine
mottled bamboo
Guazhou Road Accompany li duan After the return of public Nandu Yangzhou Road, Send
Send Zhang The number 18 Return Tonglu
Tin to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Do one for Yan Sze Li jiayou poem

   Liu Changqing

Spring Forest Zhao lu city, the water cold spell Yin Fu Ching country.
Rain wet clothes can not see Xian Hua fall silent to listen.
Oblique impact on a boat on the river, green grass of Hunan Miles situation.
The host asked if every acquaintance, qingpao error scholars today.
  This poem, using a series of "Scenery" to describe the course of events and personalities of the action, that is, to narrative lyrical scenery, its purpose is not to describe mountains draw water. However, after all, is the description of the landscape, so the picture is vivid, the rhetoric is beautiful, poetic but also appears to be very strong.
  Y. Wu Yan is (now Jiangsu Suzhou), where he had official Yuanwai Lang. Writing this poem, and poetry's context, is no inspection. Content from the poetry of view, the two men were reunited by chance in Suzhou, and after a meet, Y. Yan and also to Hunan to go, so Liu Changqing poetry Parting Words.
  Helv city is the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province. From "Reliance Boating" (put the paddle up) word, we can see these two friends meet by chance in the City of Riverside, a short stay. Time when the early spring, the South Water has not been off the chill, the weather was overcast at first glance at first glance sunny, fickle. We ruminate first two sentences, we knew that together the two friends are wandering the shore, laughing also mentioned in the southern area of the weather.
  Three hundred forty-two is famous scenery sentences. Some people say that observant poet, write fine. Words right. But from another point of view we seem to see the two are on the grounds of talk. Because they also have access to these objective features: joke of the occasion, floated for a while drizzling rain to see that even small to be seen, but clearly felt slightly wet clothes. Tree, occasionally stray flakes several flower, gently Yang Yang, fell to the ground with a sound at all. This is not just a simple description of scenery, we also see the landscapes seem to copy the character movements, people can taste and enjoy the scenery while relaxing in the face.
  "Shadow on a boat ramp on the river," the same phrase should be understood. On the one hand, it is to write a sun_set_ view of the sail; the other hand, they secretly brought out the twilight linger to the scene but reluctantly. Finally, still got up to leave Yan Y., and poets in person to the shore and watch the untwisting from the sail boats go away under the _set_ting sun. Seven characters also constitutes scenes, events and emotions of the staggered repetition.
  The following, "grass green Hunan Miles intelligence," added Yan Y. point out the place to go. Scene is not in sight, is the imagination of the poet, but also mixed with from home and friends farewell travel special feelings.
  Friends away, naturally aroused the hearts of infinite melancholy poet; thus his parting words, sounds so very sad: You go back to Hunan, who asked if I met the news, you answer him - "qingpao scholars exercises had been mistaken." If this is a complaint. Tang, Zhenguan provides four to eight Nine official robes product is blue. Spring also provides the first year, eight officers serving goods dark blue, light blue clothing Nine officials. Liu Changqing goods was probably eighty-nine officials, dressed in blue robes. He thinks of himself as a minor official of the staff is very frustrated, and simply delayed their career.
  Poem, "Scenery", both "cold spell Yin Fu Ching" water climatic characteristics of the country, and "rain wet clothes", "Xian Hua landing" of the immediate scene, and "green grass in Hunan," the meaning of the King, on several levels, the situation, King, same thing occurred in front of the reader in the hands of parting with the friends who meet the complex mind sees. This way the poet is very worth learning.
  (Liu Yisheng)

【Source】 卷151_39

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