寻陆鸿渐不遇 Not Finding Lu Hongxian at Home
奉酬于中丞使君郡斋卧病见示一首 Feng pay for An official's name Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china County, Be on one's back See show a (poem)
赠李中丞洪一首 present Li zhong Cheng Hung a (poem)
杼山禅居寄赠东溪吴处士冯一首 Tochimoto Hill Zen home Wu donated Dongxi Department disabilities surname a (poem)
妙喜寺高房期灵澈上人不至,重招之一首 Miaoxi Temple of the high room Ling che Buddhist monk The trick is not to re- a (poem)
奉和薛员外谊赠汤评事衡反招隐之迹兼见寄十二韵 Feng and (surname) Ministry councillor Yi Tang gifts Appraise things through discussion Value for anti- To recruit people in retirement for government service The track and see the Send Troubadour charm
答豆卢次方 answer Dou lu googol
答苏州韦应物郎中 answer Suzhou (city) Wei yingwu physician trained in herb medicine
答郑方回 A Cheng Fang Hui
妙喜寺达公禅斋寄李司直公孙、房都曹德裕…四十二韵 Miaoxi temple up to the public zen vegetarian jilisizhi sp 4 Fangdou Cao de abundant The number 40 *40 two Rhyme
遥酬袁使君高春暮行县,过报德寺见怀 Yao Yuan pay Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china High spring evening over the county line Pay a debt of gratitude Temple, see Huai
冬日遥和卢使君幼平、綦毋居士游法华寺高顶临湖亭 Winter Yao and Lu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china You ping Qi Wu A layman buddhist Swim hokkeji High-Top Pro Lake Pavilion
秋日遥和卢使君游何山寺宿敡上人房论涅槃经义 Autumn Yaohelu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Swim he shan Sisuyi Buddhist monk Fanglun Nirvana,bana Confucian classics argumentation
奉酬袁使君高寺院新亭对雨(其亭即使君所创) Feng pay (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china High Abbey New Pavilion On the rain The Pavilion Even Created by Jun
奉酬颜使君真卿见过郭中寺寺无山水之赏…以答焉 Feng pay colour Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Shinkyo not seen Guo Temple Temple Landscape The reward to answer Yan
酬乌程杨明府华雨后小亭对月见呈 fulfil Wu cheng Hua Yang Ming House After the rain Box See on the month was
自苏州访医回酬卢士关判官见赠 from Suzhou (city) LU Shi-Kwan returns to visit doctors Official See gifts
送卢仲舒移家海陵 Hailing Lu Zhongshu move home delivery Tomb
陪卢使君登楼送方巨之还京 Accompany Lu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Ascend building Beijing also sent the square huge
同裴录事楼上望 With PEI Copyist Upstairs hope
古诗 ancient style poetry
书家孺子有奇名,天然大草令人惊。僧虔老时把笔法, 孺子如今皆暗合。飙挥电洒眼不及,但觉毫端鸣飒飒。 有时作点险且能,太行片石看欲崩。偶然长掣浓入燥, 少室枯松欹不倒。夏室炎炎少人欢,山轩日色在阑干。 桐花飞尽子规思,主人高歌兴不至。浊醪不饮嫌昏沈, 欲玩草书开我襟。龙爪状奇鼠须锐,水笺白皙越人惠。 王家小令草最狂,为予洒出惊腾势。
【北美枫文集】杜鹃鸟松树【资料来源】 卷821_22