唐代 皎然 Seng Jiaoran  唐代   (730~799)
答裴评事澄荻花间送梁肃拾遗 A PEI Appraise things through discussion Cheng Di Hua Liang Su sent between gleaning
送胜云小师 Sheng Yun send a small division
诮士和别 Blame persons and other
送僧游宣州 Send to a monk You XuanZhou
宿支硎寺上房 Suzhixingsi main rooms
答胡处士 A Hu Department disabilities
答张乌程 A Zhang Wu Cheng
劳山居寄呈吴处士 fatigue To live away from civilization Send showed Wu Department disabilities
从军行五首 Attest row 5
陇头水二首 Mountain located between shanxi best-quality (goods) 2
塞下曲二首 Cyprus under the curve 2
览史 View history
咏史 Yong Shi
咏史 Yong Shi
奉酬陆使君见过,各赋院中一物,得江蓠 Feng pay triphibian Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Seen all have one thing in Fu Yuan Gracilaria
赋得谢墅送王长史(其墅即昼七代祖吴兴守旧居) aide The villa that day seven generations Zu wu encourage Conservatism assert
夏日同崔使君论登城楼赋得远山 Summertime With Cui Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china On board City gate tower Fu de apo- Mountain
奉同颜使君真卿送李侍御萼,赋得荻塘路 Feng-Tong Yan Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Shinkyo send Lishi Yu calyx Fu de Di Tong Road
赋颜氏古今一事,得《晋仙传》,送颜逸 Fu Yan Ancient and modern Matter of Jin Sin Transmit Yan Yi
赋得石梁泉送崔逵 Fu de Dan Liangquan send Cui Kui
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷819_62
