唐代 皎然 Seng Jiaoran  唐代   (730~799)
寓兴 Apartments Xing
寄常一上人 Send often a Buddhist monk
送秘上人游京 Send secret Buddhist monk Yu Jing
赋得啼猿送客 Fu de Ape cry see sb. to the door
南楼望月 South Tower full moon
怀旧山(一作沧浩诗,题云留别嘉兴知己) Nostalgia Hill for Cang hao Cloud poem Give souvenir on parting Jiaxing confidant
宿吴匡山破寺 Wu Kuang Shan Temple broken places
九月十日 September On the 10th
秋晚宿破山寺 Qiu wan Su Po Shan Temple
青阳上人院说金陵故事 Qingyang Buddhist monk Court said Jinling tomb narrative
送僧之京师 Send to a monk S capital (of a country)
送许丞还洛阳 Songxuchenghai Luoyang
题湖上草堂 inscribe Lake thatched cottage
酬李司直纵诸公冬日游妙喜寺题照、昱二上人房…述 Choulisizhi vertical pinch Winter You Miaoxi Sitizhaoyu 2 Buddhist monk Room above
赠乌程李明府伯宜、沈兵曹仲昌 present Wu cheng Li ming Fuboyichen Bing cao Chung Chang
奉酬颜使君真卿、王员外圆宿寺兼送员外使回 Feng pay colour Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Shinkyo Wang Ministry councillor Temple and sent round places Ministry councillor To return
南湖春泛有客自北至说友人岑元…叙相思之志以寄焉 South lake Chun Pan Have company From north to said Friend Cen per Syria Lovesickness Ambition to Send Yan
同薛员外谊久旱感怀寄兼呈上杨使君 With Xue Ministry councillor friendship Long drought Recall with emotion Send and Put forward poplar honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
兵后早春登故鄣南楼望昆山寺白鹤观示清道人并沈道士 After Bing (early)spring Therefore, Zhang Teng South tower Wang Kun Shan Temple White crane View show Clean the street People and Shen taoist
酬乌程杨明府华将赴渭北对月见怀 fulfil Wu cheng Yang Ming House Chinese will go on view on the Huai Weibei
酬邢端公济春日苏台有呈袁州李使君…辛阳王三侍御 Pay Xing End public help, aid, relieve Spring Lee Su stations were Yuanzhou Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Xin Yang Shi Yu Wang 3
奉和裴使君清春夜南堂听陈山人弹白雪 Feng and (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china clear Spring evening South hall Listen Chen Hermit Snow missile
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷815_24
