唐代 皎然 Seng Jiaoran  唐代   (730~799)
送杨遂初赴选 accompany Yang sui First go to the election
送赟上人还京 Send Yun Buddhist monk Also in Beijing
送广通上人游江西 Sent Guangtong Buddhist monk swim Jiangxi
送罗判官还寿州幕 Send Luo Official Also Shouzhou screen
送李秀才赴婺州招 To li xiucai Go to Wuzhou strokes
送薛逢之宣州谒废使(一作谒裴使君) accompany Xue feng The waste to a for Xuanzhou Ye Ye Pei honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
同明府章送沈秀才还石门山读书 Shen Ming government sent to the same Chapter Xiucai hand over the amount of sth Adit mountain study
送吉判官还京赴崔尹幕 Send Kyrgyzstan Official Cui Yin screen also went to Beijing
送裴判官赴商幕 Send Pei Official Screen to go to business
送李喻之处士洪州谒曹王 To Li Yu of Department disabilities Hongzhou Ye Cao Wang
送韦秀才 Send Wei Xiucai
送陈秀才赴举 To send Chan Xiucai Go give
乌程李明府水堂同卢使君幼平送奘上人游五台 Wu cheng Li ming House Water Church with Lu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china You ping Get fat Buddhist monk swim Wutai
送李季良北归 Returning to the North to send Li Jiliang
送淳于秀才兰陵觐省 Accompany Surname Xiucai Lan Ling Jin Province
送至洪沙弥赴上元受戒(上元江中蔡州有梁戒坛) Songzhihong 梵s'rman.era go The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) Tonsure The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) River Cai zhou Youliang place to attain the full status of a mork or a nun
九日同卢使君幼平吴兴郊外送李司仓赴选 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar With Lu Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china You ping Wu Xing Environs Secretary to send Lee to go to the election warehouse
送卢孟明还上都 Mong-Ming Lu also sent to both
留别阎士和 Give souvenir on parting Yan Shi and
送裴参军还下邳旧居 Send Pei Enroll Also Xiapi old home
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷819_14
