唐代 皎然 Seng Jiaoran  唐代   (730~799)
答孟秀才 A Bangladesh xiucai
赠柳喜得嵩山法门自号嵩山老(一作赠柳先生) Liu gifts Flexed Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan Initial approach to become a buddhist believer Since the number Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or
酬李补阙纾 Pay Lee Buque slow
湖南兰若示大乘诸公 Hunan Temple instruct (in buddhism) the mahayana or "great vehicle" school Pinch
兵后经永安法空寺寄悟禅师(其寺贼所焚) After the soldiers sent by the Temple Wing Air Act To come to understand the principle of zen Division of its Sizeisuofen
春日杼山寄赠李员外纵 Spring Shuttle of a loom donated Li Shan Ministry councillor vertical
酬秦山人赠别二首 Pay Qin Hermit Parting words 2
遥和康录事李侍御萼小寒食夜重集康氏园林 s re-_set_ park
释裴循春愁 Pei release through Singing Sorrowful
西白溪期裴方舟不至 White River west of PEI Ark Not to
劳山忆栖霞寺道素上人久期不至 Lo Yi-Shan Su Qixia Temple Road Buddhist monk Long Period not to
酬秦山人出山见呈 Pay Qin Hermit Come out from the mountains See was
酬秦山人见寻 Pay Qin Hermit See searching
宿法华寺简灵澈上人 lodge for the night Hokkeji simple, terse, succinct, a letter Ling che Buddhist monk
奉酬袁使君高春游鶺鴒峰兰若见怀 Feng pay (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china High Spring outing Wagtail peak Temple See Wai
答裴济从事 A Fiji pursue
白云上人精舍寻杼山禅师兼示崔子向何山道上人 Bai township Buddhist monk Teaching room Search Tochimoto Hill Honorific title for a buddhist monk And to show Cuizi He shan road Buddhist monk
酬薛员外谊苦热行见寄 Xue paid Ministry councillor friendship And heat OK, see Send
采实心竹杖寄赠李萼侍御 pick Sincere bamboo Rod donated Li e Shi Yu
奉酬李中丞洪湖州西亭即事见寄兼呈吴冯处士…长史 aide
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷815_49
