酬别襄阳诗僧少微(诗中答上人归梦之意) Do not pay a small micro-poem A Xiangyang Monk Buddhist monk Dream return not dream of
送沈秀才之闽中 Send Shen Xiucai The central Fujian
送清会上人游京 Will give clear Buddhist monk Yu Jing
送沈居士还太原 Send Shen A layman buddhist hand over the amount of sth Taiyuan City
兵后送姚太祝赴选 Bing Yao evacuation An offical who holds to offer sacrifice to gods or ancesters Go to elections
兵后送薛居士移家安吉 Xue Bing evacuation A layman buddhist Angie moved home
送邬傪之洪州觐兄弟 Songwucanzhi Hongzhou Kun brethren
送乾封李成 Send Qian Feng Cheng Li
奉酬袁使君西楼饯秦山人与昼同赴李侍御招三韵 Feng pay (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china West tower Preserves Qin Hermit And day three strokes Yun Tong Fu Li Shiyu
送清凉上人 accompany Cool and refreshing Buddhist monk
送李丞使宣州 To Li Cheng to XuanZhou
送至洪沙弥游越 Sent to the Hong 梵s'rman.era Swim
送皇甫侍御曾还丹阳别业 Accompany a surname shi yu ever Dan also 'male' principle villa
白蘋洲送洛阳李丞使还 The land in which the marsilea guadrifolia grow in river or lake accompany Luoyang Lichengshihai
送履霜上人还金陵西山 Send to fulfill Cream Buddhist monk hand over the amount of sth Jinling tomb the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s Mountain
送辨聪上人还广陵 Send distinguish Cong Buddhist monk Also Guangling Tomb
送清励上人游福建 Send Qing Li Buddhist monk swim Fujian
送邢台州济(一作送独孤使君赴岳州) accompany Xingtai For delivery of a state economy Surname Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Go Yuezhou