唐代 皎然 Seng Jiaoran  唐代   (730~799)
送至严山人归山(一作送严上人) Sent to Yan Hermit Return to the mountain To send a serious Buddhist monk
对陆迅饮天目山茶,因寄元居士晟 Lu Xun Eye on drinking Camelia Send yuan for A layman buddhist brightness of sun
寄路温州 Send Road Wenzhou
待山月 Machiyama month
杂兴 Miscellaneous Xing
兵后馀不亭重送卢孟明游江西 After the remaining troops do not Pavilion Replay Mong-Ming Lu Yu Jiangxi
别山诗 Do Mountain Poetry
同袁高使君送李判官使回 With Yuan Gao Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china To Li Official To return
陪颜使君饯宣谕萧常侍 Accompany Yan Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Preserves Xuan Yu Xiao Attendants
奉陪颜使君修《韵海》毕,东溪泛舟饯诸文士 I won't say no. colour Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Xiuyunhaibi Dongxi Go boating Preserves all man of letters
今上初登极岁送皇甫孝廉赴选(孝廉即故大夫之子) Early this on Be enthroned Year-old delivery A surname Two subjects to ___select___ offcials in han dynasty Go to elections Two subjects to ___select___ offcials in han dynasty That it Doctor perseus
同杨使君白蘋洲送陆侍御士佳入朝 With the Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china The land in which the marsilea guadrifolia grow in river or lake Korea to send Lushi Yu Shi Jia
雪夜送海上人常州觐叔父,上人殷仲文后 Snowy night to send carriage by sea human changzhou kun uncle Buddhist monk Yinzhongwenhou
送常清上人还舒州 Chang Qing delivery Buddhist monk Also Shu State
岘山送崔子向之宣州谒裴使君 Da Nang to the mountain to send Cui Zi Ye Pei Xuanzhou honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
送严明府入关谒黎京兆 accompany Be strict and impartial changwat Entry into Ye Li capital
送杨校书还济源 Jiyuan Yang also sent to school books
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷818_67
