唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
清夜琴兴 Alarm Xing Qin
郊陶潜体诗十六首 Country Tao Submerged body poem Caroche head
自题写真(时为翰林学士) from Inscribe clearly When Member of the imperial academy bachelor
遣怀(自此后诗在渭村作) Calling From thereafter poem Zaiweicunzuo
渭上偶钓 Weishangoudiao
隐几 Hidden a few
春眠 Chun Mian
闲居 grass
夏日 summertime
首夏病间 The first summer and patients
晚春酤酒 late spring Gu Jiu
兰若寓居 temple live
麹生访宿 Mandatory Health Places to visit
闻庾七左降,因咏所怀 Press down the left by seven Yong Yu the ideas in one's mind
答卜者 A person what
归田三首 (of officials) resign from office and return home 3
秋游原上 Fall Camp on the original
九日登西原宴望(同诸兄弟作) The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar gaudenzi original feast wang Tongzhu Brethren work
寄同病者 lodge at Similarly afflicted (people) person
游蓝田山卜居 swim Lantian Mountain choose a place for residence
村雪夜坐 Snow Village Night sitting
东园玩菊 East park garden Play Ju
观稼 View Jia
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷428_37
