唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
负冬日 bear Winter
委顺 Committee Shun
宿溪翁(时初除郎官赴朝) Su Kai Weng early except when entering the Korean Central Administration and Supervision
重过寿泉,忆与杨九别时,因题店壁 again Celebrate the birthday Quan Yi and Yang nine other stores due to the wall question
西掖早秋直夜书意(自此后中书舍人时作) Xiye Early autumn Straight night Book views Self thereafter zhongshusheren shizuo
庭松 Ting Song
竹窗 Bamboo window
同韩侍郎游郑家池吟诗小饮 With South Korea Assistant minister Yu Cheng Chi Read poems nip
晚归有感 Coming home Thoughts
曲江感秋二首 Qujiang sense of autumn 2
玩松竹二首 Play Shochiku 2
衰病无趣,因吟所怀 Decline disease Boredom By Yin the ideas in one's mind
短歌行 brief a style of old Chinese poems
生离别 accrue leave
浩歌行 grand a style of old Chinese poems
王夫子 amir man
江南遇天宝乐叟 South of the changjiang river chance The title of the emperor tang xuanzong's reign Le Marceau
送张山人归嵩阳 accompany Sheet hermit Return Songyang
醉后走笔酬刘五主簿长句之赠兼简张大贾二十四先辈昆季 s eyes wide merchant Score four Antecedent Kun quarter
和钱员外答卢员外早春独游曲江见寄长句 And money Ministry councillor A. Lu Ministry councillor (early)spring Independent travel Send Qujiang see Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
东墟晚歇(时退居渭村) Dongxuwanxieshituijuwei Village
客中月 Visitors to month
挽歌词 draw libretto
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷434_44
