宋代 毛滂 Mao Pang  宋代   (1055~1120)
Whitefly children
Shuidiaogetou Qu Yuan will
Jiangshouju all spring Grand tutor birthday
Qingping yue kilo William Butler Yeats
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Qingping yue Grand tutor Xianggongzhuang birthday
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Qingping yue East hall On the eve of A little drink, or a few drinks (of some alcoholic beverage) When Saul spent the next winter show booths in (full) flower
Qingping yue Lantern Festival
Qingping yue Chunlan Yongshulaoyun
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Huan xisha banquet Procurator John Zhang for the public in
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Yu fei yue Do not feast present Geisha sissy

   Mao Pang

And Mei brother, Double Butterfly son plume shirt light.
Phoenix Chai, incense-filled clouds.
Light dressing, □ have change of position, tired of the snow crisp uniform.
Rubbing on the spring twist, it is his to spend and spirit.
Dai pointed low, peach calyx broken smile light frown.
Made earlier, served dream labor soul.
Well before the wind, good month, the Forget pedestrians.
Boat to have, not a thing, and diverse from the situation.
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