法国 人物列表
杜洛杜斯 杜洛 dos维庸 Francois Villon杜·贝莱 Joachim du Bellay
高乃依 Pierre Corneille维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo夏尔·波德莱尔 Charles Baudelaire
斯特芳·马拉美 Stephane Mallarme魏尔伦 Paul-Marie Veriaine洛特雷阿蒙 Comte de Lautréamont
兰波 Arthur Rimbaud古尔蒙 Remy de Gourmont保尔-让·图莱 Paul-Jean Toulet
弗朗西斯·雅姆 Francis Jammes法尔格 Léon-Paul Fargue克洛岱尔 Paul Claudel
保尔·瓦雷里 Paul Valery夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy苏佩维埃尔 Jules Supervielle
布洛东 André Breton艾吕雅 Paul Eluard阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire
雅克·普莱维尔 Jacques Prévert阿拉贡 Louis Aragon保尔·福尔 Paul Fort
亨利·米修 Henri Michaux埃雷迪亚 José Maria de Heredia阿尔托 Antonin Artaud
勒韦迪 Pierre Reverdy拜斯 Saint-John Perse普吕多姆 Sully Prudhomme
勒内·夏尔 René Char伊凡·哥尔 Yvan Goll博斯凯 Alain Bosquet
博纳富瓦 Yves Bonnefoy勒内·格鲁塞 Rene Grousset阿兰·佩雷菲特 Alain Peyrefitte
米歇尔·大卫-威尔 Michelle David - Will白晋 Joachim Bouvet卡特琳娜·耐 Katrina resistant
若泽·弗雷什 José Frèches米歇尔-施奈德 Michelle - Schneider尼古拉·萨科齐 Nicolas Sarkozy
阿娜伊斯·宁 Anaïs Nin让·多米尼克·鲍比 Jean-Dominique Bauby米歇尔-安托瓦纳·布尼耶 Michel-Antoine Burnier
米歇尔·孔达 Michel Contat埃莱娜·格里莫 Hélène Grimaud塔丽塔·特里帕亚 Tarita Teriipaia
让·菲利普 To Philip尼玛·扎玛尔 尼玛扎玛尔克洛维一世 Clovis I
克洛泰尔一世 Clothaire Ier希尔德里克三世 Childeric III丕平 Pepin III
查理大帝 Charlemagne路易一世 Louis the Pious查理二世 Charles II (le Chauve)
路易二世 Louis II路易三世 Louis III卡洛曼二世 Carloman II
莫里斯·勒布朗 Maurice Leblanc
法国 二战时期的法国  (1864年11月11日1941年11月6日)

阅读莫里斯·勒布朗 Maurice Leblanc在小说之家的作品!!!
  莫理斯·卢布朗(Maurice-Marie-Émile Leblanc, 1864年11月11日-1941年11月6日)是一位法国小说作家。就像柯南·道尔之于夏洛克·福尔摩斯一般,卢布朗也创造了法国最传奇的侦探,同时也是史上最富盛名的绅士怪盗—亚森·罗苹。
  1905年,卢布朗在担任杂志《我什么都知道》(Je Sais Tout)编辑的朋友皮埃尔·拉菲特(Pierre Laffitte)的百般邀稿下,心不甘情不悦的写下了一部杂志连载小说,这部作品就是《亚森·罗苹被补记》,让名闻遐迩的怪盗绅士亚森·罗苹初次登场就被送进大牢。这部作品从1905年7月15日开始连载,没想到造成了巨大回响并得到空前的成功,让卢布朗名利双收。之后,卢布朗总共写下21部亚森·罗苹的系列小说(部份为短篇故事的文集)。
  亚森·罗苹一角的设计来源,据推测是来自曾经于1905年3月登上报纸头版的非法份子马里乌斯·雅各,也可能是参考自奥克塔夫·米尔波的作品《Les 21 jours d'un neurasthénique》(1901)里的一位绅士怪盗阿蒂尔·勒博(Arthur Lebeau),或是米尔波所作的另一部喜剧《Scrupules》(1902)里的绅士怪盗。虽然英国作家厄恩斯特·威廉斯·何努格在1899年创造出另一个怪盗绅士—亚瑟·莱佛士,但推测卢布朗没有看过。
  1907年,借由罗苹系列故事的成功,卢布朗终于开始全职撰写罗苹的故事。然而,卢布朗也犯了和柯南·道尔相同的毛病,因为罗苹成功的阴影,遮闭了他对纯文学小说与犯罪小说的野心,所以他开始对罗苹这个角色感到困窘,而企图在系列作《813之谜》里让罗苹自杀。此外,卢布朗本人也说过:‘罗苹不是我的影子,我才是罗苹的影子。’充份道出他内心的无奈。而在卢布朗的晚年里又曾说过:‘与罗苹相遇实在是一场意外。要说这是不是场幸运的意外?那可就不得而知了。’。好几次,卢布朗也尝试创造其他的角色,比如私家侦探吉姆·巴内特(Jim Barnett),但最终这个角色还是被并作罗苹的化身。卢布朗一直撰写罗苹的冒险史,一直到1930年代。
  除了前面介绍到的作品,卢布朗另外还有两部重要的科幻小说:1919年的《Les Trois Yeux》与1920年的《Le Formidable Evènement》。前者叙述一个科学家与三眼金星人作影像联系;在第二部的故事里发生了一场大地震,之后在英国与法国之间升起了一块新大陆。
  ?亚森·罗苹被捕记》(绅士怪盗)(Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur, 1905-1907)
  ?怪盗与名侦探》(Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès, 1906-1908)
  ?Arsène Lupin / Une aventure d'Arsène Lupin》—戏剧,小说化(1909)
  ?奇岩城》(空心岩柱)(L'aiguille creuse,1909)
  ?813之谜》(813, 1910)
  ?水晶瓶塞》(Le bouchon de cristal, 1912)
  ?罗苹的告白》(Les confidences d'Arsène Lupin, 1911-1913)
  ?神秘黑衣人》(L'éclat d'obus, 1915)
  ?金三角》(Le triangle d'or, 1917)
  ?棺材岛》(L'île aux trente cercueils, 1919)
  ?Le retour d'Arsène Lupin》—戏剧(1920)
  ?虎牙》(Les dents du tigre, 1920)
  ?八大奇案》(Les huit coups de l'horloge, 1923)
  ?罗苹与魔女》(La comtesse de Cagliostro, 1924)
  ?碧眼少女》(La demoiselle aux yeux verts, 1927)
  ?穿羊皮的人》(L'homme a la peau de bique, 1927)
  ?名侦探罗苹》(L'agence Barnett et Cie, 1927-1928)
  ?奇怪的屋子》(La demeure mystérieuse, 1928)
  ?古堡惊魂》(La barre-y-va, 1930)
  ?绿宝石之谜》(Les cabochon d'emeraude, 1930)
  ?两种微笑的女人》(幽灵杀手)(La femme aux deux sourires, 1932)
  ?神探与罗苹》(Victor, de la brigade mondaine, 1934)
  ?魔女的复仇》(La Cagliostro se venge, 1935)
  ?罗苹的财富》(Les milliards d'Arsène Lupin, 1939)
  ?罗苹的最后之恋》(Le dernier amour d'Arsène Lupin, 1939—未发表)
  ?Une femme》(1893)
  ?Armelle et Claude》(1897)
  ?Voici des ailes》(1898)
  ?Les Lèvres jointes》(1899)
  ?L' Enthousiasme》(1901)
  ?Un vilain couple》(1901)
  ?Gueule rouge》(1904)
  ?80 chevaux》(1904)
  ?La Pitié, pièce de théâtre》(1906)
  ?L' Aiguille creuse》(The Hollow Needle) (1909)
  ?La Frontière》(1911)
  ?Les Trois Yeux》(1919)
  ?La Robe d’écaille rose》(1920)
  ?Le Formidable Événement》(1920)
  ?Le Cercle rouge》(1922)
  ?Dorothée, danseuse de corde》(女侦探之谜)(1923)
  ?La Vie extravagante de Balthazar》(1925)
  ?Le Prince de Jéricho》(侦探与海盗王)(1930)
  ?Les Clefs mystérieuses》(1932)
  ?La Forêt des aventures》(1933)
  ?Le Chapelet rouge》(1934)
  ?L' Image de la femme nue》(1934)
  ?Le Scandale du gazon bleu》(1935)
  ?De minuit à sept heures》(1937)

  Maurice Marie Émile Leblanc (11 November 1864 – 6 November 1941) was a French novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the creator of the fictional gentleman thief and detective Arsène Lupin, often described as a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle's creation Sherlock Holmes.
  Leblanc was born in Rouen, Normandy. After studying in several countries and dropping out of law school, he settled in Paris and began to write fiction, both short crime stories and longer novels; his novels, heavily influenced by writers like Gustave Flaubert and Guy de Maupassant, were critically admired but met with little commercial success.
  Leblanc was largely considered little more than a writer of short stories for various French periodicals when the first Arsène Lupin story appeared in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine Je Sais Tout, starting in No. 6, dated 15 July 1905. Clearly created at editorial request under the influence of, and in reaction to, the wildly successful Sherlock Holmes stories, the roguish and glamorous Lupin was a surprise success and Leblanc's fame and fortune beckoned. In total, Leblanc went on to write twenty-one Lupin novels or collections of short stories.
  The character of Lupin might have been based by Leblanc on French anarchist Marius Jacob, whose trial made headlines in March 1905; it is also possible that Leblanc had also read Octave Mirbeau's Les 21 jours d'un neurasthénique (1901), which features a gentleman thief named Arthur Lebeau, and seen Octave Mirbeau's comedy Scrupules (1902), whose main character is a gentleman thief. It was not influenced by E. W. Hornung's gentleman thief, A.J. Raffles, created in 1899, whom Leblanc had not read.
  Some lupinophiles/lupinologists/lupinomaniacs disturbingly but somewhat convincingly argue (André Comte-Sponville, François George in Preuves de l'existence d'Arsène Lupin) that Lupin really existed and that Leblanc was thus his mere historiographer. In this respect they resemble many fans of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.
  Leblancs house in Étretat, today the museum "Le clos Arsène Lupin".
  By 1907 Leblanc had graduated to writing full-length Lupin novels, and the reviews and sales were so good that Leblanc effectively dedicated the rest of his career to working on the Lupin stories. Like Conan Doyle, who often appeared embarrassed or hindered by the success of Sherlock Holmes and seemed to regard his success in the field of crime fiction as a detraction from his more "respectable" literary ambitions, Leblanc also appeared to have resented Lupin's success. Several times, he tried to create other characters, such as private eye Jim Barnett, but eventually merged them with Lupin. He continued to pen Lupin tales well into the 1930s.
  Leblanc also wrote two notable science fiction novels: Les Trois Yeux (1919) in which a scientist makes televisual contact with three-eyed Venusians, and Le Formidable Evènement (1920), in which an earthquake creates a new landmass between England and France
  Leblanc was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature, and died in Perpignan in 1941. He was buried in the Montparnasse Cemetery. Georgette Leblanc was his sister.
  The character Arsène Lupin III, protagonist of the Japanese manga Lupin III beginning in 1967 was written as the grandson of Arsène Lupin, though without permission from Leblanc's estate. This was later the source of a lawsuit, though the copyright on Leblanc's work has since expired. When the anime version was broadcast in France, the character was renamed Edgar, le détective cambrioleur ("Edgar, the Burglar Detective"). The authors of the various Lupin III properties drew on Leblanc's novels as inspiration, notably the film The Castle of Cagliostro was loosely based on La Comtesse de Cagliostro (The Countess of Cagliostro).
  Selected bibliography
  Une femme (1893)
  Armelle et Claude (1897)
  Voici des ailes (1898)
  Les Lèvres jointes (1899)
  L’Enthousiasme (1901)
  Un vilain couple (1901)
  Gueule rouge (1904)
  80 chevaux (1904)
  La Pitié, Play (1906)
  L’Aiguille creuse (The Hollow Needle) (1909)
  813 (1910)
  La Frontière (1911)
  Les Trois Yeux (1919)
  La Robe d’écaille rose (1920)
  Le Formidable Événement (1920)
  Le Cercle rouge (1922)
  Dorothée, danseuse de corde (1923)
  La Vie extravagante de Balthazar (1925)
  Le Prince de Jéricho (1930)
  Les Clefs mystérieuses (1932)
  La Forêt des aventures (1933)
  Le Chapelet rouge (1934)
  L’Image de la femme nue (1934)
  Le Scandale du gazon bleu (1935)
  De minuit à sept heures (1937)

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