guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
nèi · sài Rene Groussetbái jìn Joachim Bouvet lín · nài Katrina resistant
xiē 'ěr - shī nài Michelle - Schneider · Nicolas Sarkozy xiē 'ěr - ān tuō · Michel-Antoine Burnier
xiē 'ěr · kǒng Michel Contatràng · fěi To Philip · zhā 'ěr 尼玛扎玛尔
· · tuō wéi 'ěr Alexis de Tocqueville 'āi 'ěr gài 'ěr Pierre Miquel luò · Claude Ribbe
pān míng xiào Michel Bonninràng · 'āi 'ěr · ·
· lǎng Maurice Leblanc
guó èr zhàn shí de guó  (1864niánshíyīyuè11rì1941niánshíyīyuè6rì)

yuèdòu · lǎng Maurice Leblanczài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
   · lǎng( Maurice-Marie-ÉmileLeblanc,1864 nián 11 yuè 11 -1941 nián 11 yuè 6 shì wèi guó xiǎo shuō zuò jiājiù xiàng nán · dào 'ěr zhī xià luò · 'ěr bān lǎng chuàng zào liǎo guó zuì chuán de zhēn tàntóng shí shì shǐ shàng zuì shèng míng de shēn shì guài dào héng sēn · luó píng
   shēng píng
   lǎng zài guó shàng nuò màn de 'áng chū shēng qīn shì zào chuán chǎng lǎo bǎn qīn shì rénjiā jìng xiāng dāng jiā zhōng yòu mèi héng qiáo · lǎng niǎn zhuǎn duō guó shūhòu lái bèi xué xiào tuì xué shì bìng kāi shǐ xiě fàn zuì xiǎo shuō cháng piān de chún wén xué xiǎo shuō xiě zuò shì chéng · lóu bài · · sāng 'ér zài wén tán shàng dào liǎo kěn dìngdàn què xiāo shòu shùn
   chéng míng zuò
  1905 nián lǎng zài dān rèn zhì shénme dōuzhī dào》( JeSaisTout) biān ji de péng yǒu 'āi 'ěr · fěi ( PierreLaffitte) de bǎi bān yāo gǎo xiàxīn gān qíng yuè de xiě xià liǎo zhì liánzǎi xiǎo shuōzhè zuò pǐn jiù shì sēn · luó píng bèi 》, ràng míng wén xiá 'ěr de guài dào shēn shì sēn · luó píng chū dēng chǎng jiù bèi sòng jìn láozhè zuò pǐn cóng 1905 nián 7 yuè 15 kāi shǐ liánzǎiméi xiǎng dào zào chéng liǎo huí xiǎng bìng dào kōng qián de chéng gōngràng lǎng míng shuāng shōuzhī hòu lǎng zǒng gòng xiě xià 21 sēn · luó píng de liè xiǎo shuō fèn wéi duǎn piān shì de wén )。
   shè lái yuán
   sēn · luó píng jiǎo de shè lái yuán tuī shì lái céng jīng 1905 nián 3 yuè dēng shàng bào zhǐ tóu bǎn de fēi fèn · néng shì cān kǎo 'ào · 'ěr de zuò pǐn《 Les21joursd'unneurasthénique》( 1901) de wèi shēn shì guài dào 'ā 'ěr · ( ArthurLebeau), huò shì 'ěr suǒ zuò de lìng 《 Scrupules》( 1902) de shēn shì guài dàosuī rán yīng guó zuò jiā 'è 'ēn · wēi lián · zài 1899 nián chuàng zào chū lìng guài dào shēn shì héng · lāi shìdàn tuī lǎng méi yòu kàn guò
   yàn juàn
  1907 niánjiè yóu luó píng liè shì de chéng gōng lǎng zhōng kāi shǐ quán zhí zhuàn xiě luó píng de shìrán 'ér lǎng fàn liǎo nán · dào 'ěr xiāng tóng de máo bìngyīn wéi luó píng chéng gōng de yīn yǐngzhē liǎo duì chún wén xué xiǎo shuō fàn zuì xiǎo shuō de xīnsuǒ kāi shǐ duì luó píng zhè juésè gǎn dào kùn jiǒngér zài liè zuò《 813 zhī ràng luó píng shā wài lǎng běn rén shuō guò luó píng shì de yǐng cái shì luó píng de yǐng chōng fèn dào chū nèi xīn de nàiér zài lǎng de wǎn nián yòu céng shuō guò:‘ luó píng xiāng shí zài shì yīcháng wàiyào shuō zhè shì shì chǎng xìng yùn de wài jiù 'ér zhī liǎo。’。 hǎo lǎng cháng shì chuàng zào de juésè jiā zhēn tàn · nèi ( JimBarnett), dàn zuì zhōng zhè juésè hái shì bèi bìng zuò luó píng de huà shēn lǎng zhí zhuàn xiě luó píng de mào xiǎn shǐ zhí dào 1930 nián dài
   guài dào míng zhēn tàn
   sēn · luó píng de liè zuò chū shí yòu fǎng 'ěr zuòràng chuán zhēn tàn xiē luò · 'ěr de dēng chǎng yán chéngguài dào míng zhēn tàn》); ér zài zhè xiē zuò pǐn guài dào zhēn tàn zǒng shì lái wǎngshā liǎng bài shāngzhè liǎng chuán juésè de duì jué quán chū lǎng zhī shǒuduō shǎo yǐn lái 'ěr de mǎnsuī rán shì de zuò zhě nán · dào 'ěr méi yòu qiáng liè de kàng dào 'ěr jué shì hái shì rěn zhù zhǐ chū zhè shì zhǒng dào de xíng wéi lǎng hòu lái de zuò pǐn cái kāi shǐ shōu liǎnbìng jiāng yuán běn shè dìng chéng shì de juésègǎi yòng míng
   xiě zuò
   chú liǎo qián miàn jiè shào dào de zuò pǐn lǎng lìng wài hái yòu liǎng zhòng yào de huàn xiǎo shuō: 1919 nián de《 LesTroisYeux》 1920 nián de《 LeFormidableEvènement》。 qián zhě shù xué jiā sān yǎn jīn xīng rén zuò yǐng xiàng lián zài 'èr de shì shēng liǎo yīcháng zhènzhī hòu zài yīng guó guó zhī jiān shēng liǎo kuài xīn
   lǎng de wén xué chéng jiù huò liǎo guó róng jūn tuán xūn zhāng de jiǎng ér 1941 nián pèi 'ángzài shì zhī qián zhōu céng shuō liǎo miào de huà:‘ luó píng chū xiàn zài shēn bàng liǎokuài zhǐ 。’; yóu huà zhōng nèi róng xiàng yòu rén jiā hài lǎng shì jǐng fāng pài chū rén měi tiān 24 xiǎo shí jiè zhí dào shòu zhōng zhèng qǐn
   zhù zuò
   sēn · luó píng liè zuò pǐn
  ? sēn · luó píng bèi 》( shēn shì guài dào)( ArsèneLupin,gentleman-cambrioleur,1905-1907)
  ? guài dào míng zhēn tàn》( ArsèneLupincontreHerlockSholmès,1906-1908)
  ?ArsèneLupin/Uneaventured'ArsèneLupin》 héng xiǎo shuō huà( 1909)
  ? yán chéng》( kòngxīn yán zhù)( L'aiguillecreuse, 1909)
  ?813 zhī 》( 813,1910)
  ? shuǐ jīng píngsāi》( Lebouchondecristal,1912)
  ? luó píng de gào bái》( Lesconfidencesd'ArsèneLupin,1911-1913)
  ? shén hēi rén》( L'éclatd'obus,1915)
  ? jīn sān jiǎo》( Letriangled'or,1917)
  ? guān cái dǎo》( L'îleauxtrentecercueils,1919)
  ?Leretourd'ArsèneLupin》 héng ( 1920)
  ? 》( Lesdentsdutigre,1920)
  ? 'àn》( Leshuitcoupsdel'horloge,1923)
  ? luó píng 》( LacomtessedeCagliostro,1924)
  ? yǎn shàonǚ》( Lademoiselleauxyeuxverts,1927)
  ? chuān yáng de rén》( L'hommealapeaudebique,1927)
  ? míng zhēn tàn luó píng》( L'agenceBarnettetCie,1927-1928)
  ? guài de 》( Lademeuremystérieuse,1928)
  ? bǎo jīng hún》( Labarre-y-va,1930)
  ? bǎo shí zhī 》( Lescabochond'emeraude,1930)
  ? liǎng zhǒng wēi xiào de rén》( yōu líng shā shǒu)( Lafemmeauxdeuxsourires,1932)
  ? shén tàn luó píng》( Victor,delabrigademondaine,1934)
  ? de chóu》( LaCagliostrosevenge,1935)
  ? luó píng de cái 》( Lesmilliardsd'ArsèneLupin,1939)
  ? luó píng de zuì hòu zhī liàn》( Ledernieramourd'ArsèneLupin,1939 héng wèi biǎo
  ? bái qiū dān de
  ? shuāng miàn rén
  ? luó píng shā rén wáng
  ? qiān jūn
  ? xiāo shī de wáng guān
  ? hēi de xuè biān
  ? luó píng de shī bài
  ? huàn yǐng shā shǒu
  ? yāo zhēn tàn
   zuò pǐn
  ?Unefemme》( 1893)
  ?ArmelleetClaude》( 1897)
  ?Voicidesailes》( 1898)
  ?LesLèvresjointes》( 1899)
  ?L'Enthousiasme》( 1901)
  ?Unvilaincouple》( 1901)
  ?Gueulerouge》( 1904)
  ?80chevaux》( 1904)
  ?LaPitié,piècedethéâtre》 (1906)
  ?L'Aiguillecreuse》( TheHollowNeedle)(1909)
  ?LaFrontière》( 1911)
  ?LesTroisYeux》( 1919)
  ?LaRobed’ écaillerose》( 1920)
  ?LeFormidableÉvénement》( 1920)
  ?LeCerclerouge》( 1922)
  ?Dorothée,danseusedecorde》( zhēn tàn zhī )( 1923)
  ?LaVieextravagantedeBalthazar》( 1925)
  ?LePrincedeJéricho》( zhēn tàn hǎi dào wáng)( 1930)
  ?LesClefsmystérieuses》( 1932)
  ?LaForêtdesaventures》( 1933)
  ?LeChapeletrouge》( 1934)
  ?L'Imagedelafemmenue》( 1934)
  ?LeScandaledugazonbleu》( 1935)
  ?Deminuitàseptheures》( 1937)

  Maurice Marie Émile Leblanc (11 November 1864 – 6 November 1941) was a French novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the creator of the fictional gentleman thief and detective Arsène Lupin, often described as a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle's creation Sherlock Holmes.
  Leblanc was born in Rouen, Normandy. After studying in several countries and dropping out of law school, he settled in Paris and began to write fiction, both short crime stories and longer novels; his novels, heavily influenced by writers like Gustave Flaubert and Guy de Maupassant, were critically admired but met with little commercial success.
  Leblanc was largely considered little more than a writer of short stories for various French periodicals when the first Arsène Lupin story appeared in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine Je Sais Tout, starting in No. 6, dated 15 July 1905. Clearly created at editorial request under the influence of, and in reaction to, the wildly successful Sherlock Holmes stories, the roguish and glamorous Lupin was a surprise success and Leblanc's fame and fortune beckoned. In total, Leblanc went on to write twenty-one Lupin novels or collections of short stories.
  The character of Lupin might have been based by Leblanc on French anarchist Marius Jacob, whose trial made headlines in March 1905; it is also possible that Leblanc had also read Octave Mirbeau's Les 21 jours d'un neurasthénique (1901), which features a gentleman thief named Arthur Lebeau, and seen Octave Mirbeau's comedy Scrupules (1902), whose main character is a gentleman thief. It was not influenced by E. W. Hornung's gentleman thief, A.J. Raffles, created in 1899, whom Leblanc had not read.
  Some lupinophiles/lupinologists/lupinomaniacs disturbingly but somewhat convincingly argue (André Comte-Sponville, François George in Preuves de l'existence d'Arsène Lupin) that Lupin really existed and that Leblanc was thus his mere historiographer. In this respect they resemble many fans of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.
  Leblancs house in Étretat, today the museum "Le clos Arsène Lupin".
  By 1907 Leblanc had graduated to writing full-length Lupin novels, and the reviews and sales were so good that Leblanc effectively dedicated the rest of his career to working on the Lupin stories. Like Conan Doyle, who often appeared embarrassed or hindered by the success of Sherlock Holmes and seemed to regard his success in the field of crime fiction as a detraction from his more "respectable" literary ambitions, Leblanc also appeared to have resented Lupin's success. Several times, he tried to create other characters, such as private eye Jim Barnett, but eventually merged them with Lupin. He continued to pen Lupin tales well into the 1930s.
  Leblanc also wrote two notable science fiction novels: Les Trois Yeux (1919) in which a scientist makes televisual contact with three-eyed Venusians, and Le Formidable Evènement (1920), in which an earthquake creates a new landmass between England and France
  Leblanc was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature, and died in Perpignan in 1941. He was buried in the Montparnasse Cemetery. Georgette Leblanc was his sister.
  The character Arsène Lupin III, protagonist of the Japanese manga Lupin III beginning in 1967 was written as the grandson of Arsène Lupin, though without permission from Leblanc's estate. This was later the source of a lawsuit, though the copyright on Leblanc's work has since expired. When the anime version was broadcast in France, the character was renamed Edgar, le détective cambrioleur ("Edgar, the Burglar Detective"). The authors of the various Lupin III properties drew on Leblanc's novels as inspiration, notably the film The Castle of Cagliostro was loosely based on La Comtesse de Cagliostro (The Countess of Cagliostro).
  Selected bibliography
  Une femme (1893)
  Armelle et Claude (1897)
  Voici des ailes (1898)
  Les Lèvres jointes (1899)
  L’Enthousiasme (1901)
  Un vilain couple (1901)
  Gueule rouge (1904)
  80 chevaux (1904)
  La Pitié, Play (1906)
  L’Aiguille creuse (The Hollow Needle) (1909)
  813 (1910)
  La Frontière (1911)
  Les Trois Yeux (1919)
  La Robe d’écaille rose (1920)
  Le Formidable Événement (1920)
  Le Cercle rouge (1922)
  Dorothée, danseuse de corde (1923)
  La Vie extravagante de Balthazar (1925)
  Le Prince de Jéricho (1930)
  Les Clefs mystérieuses (1932)
  La Forêt des aventures (1933)
  Le Chapelet rouge (1934)
  L’Image de la femme nue (1934)
  Le Scandale du gazon bleu (1935)
  De minuit à sept heures (1937)

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