宋代 戴复古 Dai Fugu  宋代   (1167~?)
趙丞話舊 Zhao Cheng talk over old times
趙端行杜子野逰虎丘有詩僕因思舊與趙子野衕宿唱和留題 Zhao duanhang Son Ye Du Swim tiger There is a poem by Servant To remember old times And Verification of Zhao wild homoclinic Antiphon comments written after visiting a place
趙剋勤曾橐卿景壽衕登黃南恩南樓 Indefinite had with Tuo Jing Shou Qing Teng Huang Nanen South Tower
趙剋勤曾橐卿景壽衕登黃南恩南樓 Indefinite had with Tuo Jing Shou Qing Teng Huang Nanen South Tower
趙昇卿有官不肯為裏居有賢聲訪之於深巷中 ZHAO Sheng-ching Officer Will not act Address Interview with Yin Sound of the Shenxiang in
趙叔垕山堂安下其傢適有喪事 Zhao Shu Hou Shan Tong An appropriate their homes are under funeral affairs
趙葦江與東嘉詩社諸君逰一日攜吟捲見過一語謝其來 Zhao Wei Jiang and Dong jia Poetry Ladies and gentlemen swim Day Volume carry Yin Seen The words to thank its
趙用甫提舉夢中得片雲不隔梅花月之句時被命入朝雪中送別用其一句補以成章 Zhao was a dream with just lifting the cloud is not every piece of plum-month sentence was ordered entry into the snow when its a farewell meeting with the Chengzhang
趙尊道郎中齣示唐畫四老飲圖滕賢良有詩亦使野人着句 Zhao Zun Road Physician trained in herb medicine Presentment Tang painting four old drink Tuten Able and virtuous man There is a poem has to Caveman The sentence
眞西山帥長沙禱雨 True Xishan Shuai Changsha municipality Prayer for Rain
眞西山帥長沙禱雨 True Xishan Shuai Changsha municipality Prayer for Rain
鎮江別總領吳道夫侍郎時愚子琦來迎侍朝夕催歸甚切 Zhenjiang Do Consul General Wu Daofu Assistant minister Ying Yu Zi Qi to paternity when Overnight Return reminders Szczecin
鄭子壽野趣燒燭酔梅花 Zheng Zishou Rustic Candle Burning drunk mumeplant japanese
侄淑遠逰不得書 be not allowed book
侄孫景文多女賀其得雄 nephew Sun jingwen He more than their female Te-hsiung
侄孫亦竜作亭於小山之上□餘以野亭名之得詩五首 Grandnephew Long also be booths in Brae On I to Ye ting Name of too Five Poems
侄孫亦竜作亭於小山之上□餘以野亭名之得詩五首 Grandnephew Long also be booths in Brae On I to Ye ting Name of too Five Poems
侄孫亦竜作亭於小山之上□餘以野亭名之得詩五首 Grandnephew Long also be booths in Brae On I to Ye ting Name of too Five Poems
侄孫亦竜作亭於小山之上□餘以野亭名之得詩五首 Grandnephew Long also be booths in Brae On I to Ye ting Name of too Five Poems
古詩 ancient style poetry


