宋代 戴复古 Dai Fugu  宋代   (1167~?)
庐山马上 Lushan Mountain anon
庐州界上寄丰帅 Luzhou boundaries Send Feng Shuai
庐州帅李仲诗春风亭会客有尘字韵诗和者甚多韵拘无好语 Luzhou handsome Zhong-Shi Vernal breezes booth Receive a visitor Words are dust Verse And who Acre No good words rhyme arrest
绿阴亭自唐时有之到今五百年卢肇二三公题诗之后吟声寂寂久矣亭前古木不存绿阴之名殆成虚设今诗人李贾友山作尉于此实居此亭公事之暇与江山风景应接境因人胜见于吟笔多矣友人石屏戴复古 Greenery Pavilion since the Tang Dynasty to today when the five hundred years Luzhao two Excellencies poem knowing numbered after the chirping of the plaza does not exist greenery of the ancient name of this poet is useless as a dummy for Li Jia Wei Mount
绿阴亭自唐时有之到今五百年卢肇二三公题诗之后吟声寂寂久矣亭前古木不存绿阴之名殆成虚设今诗人李贾友山作尉于此实居此亭公事之暇与江山风景应接境因人胜见于吟笔多矣友人石屏戴复古 Greenery Pavilion since the Tang Dynasty to today when the five hundred years Luzhao two Excellencies poem knowing numbered after the chirping of the plaza does not exist greenery of the ancient name of this poet is useless as a dummy for Li Jia Wei Mount
绿阴亭自唐时有之到今五百年卢肇二三公题诗之后吟声寂寂久矣亭前古木不存绿阴之名殆成虚设今诗人李贾友山作尉于此实居此亭公事之暇与江山风景应接境因人胜见于吟笔多矣友人石屏戴复古 Greenery Pavilion since the Tang Dynasty to today when the five hundred years Luzhao two Excellencies poem knowing numbered after the chirping of the plaza does not exist greenery of the ancient name of this poet is useless as a dummy for Li Jia Wei Mount
绿阴亭自唐时有之到今五百年卢肇二三公题诗之后吟声寂寂久矣亭前古木不存绿阴之名殆成虚设今诗人李贾友山作尉于此实居此亭公事之暇与江山风景应接境因人胜见于吟笔多矣友人石屏戴复古 Greenery Pavilion since the Tang Dynasty to today when the five hundred years Luzhao two Excellencies poem knowing numbered after the chirping of the plaza does not exist greenery of the ancient name of this poet is useless as a dummy for Li Jia Wei Mount
梅 plum
梅花 mumeplant japanese
梅花 mumeplant japanese
梦与赵用父王子文陈叔方相会甚款 Dream with the Father and Zhao Sheikh character Chen Shu Fang Meet Very paragraph
梦中题林逢吉轩壁觉来全篇可读天明忘了落句 Dream Title Lin Fung kat Villa wall Sleep for Read full article Daybreak To have forgotten Down sentences
梦中亦役役 Dream Battle also served
觅芍药代简岂潜 seek Peony Daijianqiqian
南剑溪上 South River on the sword
南康六老堂 Nam 6 Old Church
南康县刘隐居 south Health county surname privacy
古诗 ancient style poetry


