宋代 戴复古 Dai Fugu  宋代   (1167~?)
赠郭道人 Guo gifts a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest
赠饶叔虎谈易论命多奇中 Gift of life Raoshu Hu Tan Yi Qi in more than
赠万杉老秀痴翁二首 Show crazy old fir donated 10 000 Weng 2
赠万杉老秀痴翁二首 Show crazy old fir donated 10 000 Weng 2
张端义应诏上书谪曲江正月一日赣州相遇 Zhang duanyi Accept the emperor's order Submit a written statement to a higher authority blame Bend river The first month of the lunar year Day Ganzhou encounter
张端义应诏上书谪曲江正月一日赣州相遇 Zhang duanyi Accept the emperor's order Submit a written statement to a higher authority blame Bend river The first month of the lunar year Day Ganzhou encounter
张统制之子为父求诗蕲州城破匹马打围而出能知数谓时不可为 sheet Regiment Perseus Parent seeking poetry pray A town within a "zhou" Horse fight broke out around that time can get the number of Have no choice but act
昭武刘圻甫以{山栗}篁隐居图求诗 Akitake Liu Qi Fu Shan Li bamboo grove Privacy Figure seek poem
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
昭武太守王子文日举李贾严羽共观前辈一两家诗及晚唐诗因有论诗十绝子文见之谓无甚高论亦可作诗家小学须知 Akitake prefect Li Jia Wang Ziwen day Yan Yu held a total of twelve seniors concept poetry and Late Tang Poetry ten because there is absolutely no child of that text, see also poetry primary schools very high on Notice
古诗 ancient style poetry


