宋代 戴复古 Dai Fugu  宋代   (1167~?)
淮上回九江 name of a river On a previous occasion Jiujiang City
黄道士出爻 Ecliptic bachelor The Yao
黄州偶成 Huangzhou Even as
黄州栖霞楼即景呈谢深道国正 be inspired by what one actually sees Xie was the host country is deep
黄州竹楼呈谢国正 bamboo house Xie was the country are
会稽山中 Huiji in the mountains
会李择之其父名丙字南仲著丁未录丙申录 Will choose the parent name Lee Nam Chung a C word Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Recorded recorded Bingshen
会心 understanding
吉州堆胜楼谢景周司理居其上 Ji F, Xie Jing Sheng state heap managers of residence of its last week
吉州李伯高会判送盐{虫截}子鱼比海味之珍者未免为鲈鱼动归兴 Ji Bo-state high-salt insects will get cut sub sub-fish than in Seafood Of Jane who Rather act Bass Fixed return Xing
既别诸故旧独黄希声往曲江凛议未回不及语离 Not only do all Old friends alone Huang xi Sound to Bend river Rin did not back the proposed Less Language from
既别诸故旧独黄希声往曲江凛议未回不及语离 Not only do all Old friends alone Huang xi Sound to Bend river Rin did not back the proposed Less Language from
寄报恩长老恭率翁 lodge at Repay an obligation Father Christine Weng rate
寄抚州楼使君 Send Fuzhou House honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
寄复斋陈寺丞二首 Send resume fast Chen Si Cheng 2
寄复斋陈寺丞二首 Send resume fast Chen Si Cheng 2
寄广西漕陈鲁叟诰院 lodge at Guangxi Canal Chen Lu Marceau Patent Court
寄后村刘潜夫 lodge at Hou village Liu qian husband
寄后村刘潜夫 lodge at Hou village Liu qian husband
寄后村刘潜夫 lodge at Hou village Liu qian husband
寄湖州杨伯子监丞 lodge at Huzhou Yangbo Zai Jian Cheng
古诗 ancient style poetry


