宋代 文天祥 Wen Tianxiang  宋代   (1236~1283)
Anqing Prefecture
Anqing Prefecture thirteenth
Eight prison Chiefly one hundred and twenty
aug Caroche daily See Mei
Baigou River
White mustache line
Roche hundred and female prayer Tomorrow Baas Zhang Thousand Years Centre held drinkers Indite Mouxizanbu Embroil sb. in See the Take advantage of rhyme
Baoying Road
Paul State Road
defend Zhuozhou Three poems F Sang
Defend zhuozhou three poems surname Genaral term of an emperor who found a state dusk
Northbound Ninth fifteen
Northbound Ninth eleven
Other brother went to Xinchang
Friends in all other years
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

new Jeju

   Wen Tianxiang

I ask the new Jeju, Xu Yun brother country.
Past for large Henan, Hebei, this is great.
Vertical cloud overcast skies, do not look very plain.
Herbs make dead, from autumn yellow.
Always see the Mulberry, mixed green terraced rice paddies.
No line of the road, fireworks vague bleak.
Track sub-vertical and horizontal, over those who weep Pro Qi.
Product flooded stream to pay Qu, cluster spine broken foot cream.
Deep South is not cold, copper stove beast red flowers.
To know the walker, iron cold wet clothes.
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