宋代 文天祥 Wen Tianxiang  宋代   (1236~1283)
又三绝 Also Ruin
又三绝 Also Ruin
又送前人琴棋书画四首 Also send forefather Chess painting and calligraphy 4
又送卓大著知漳州 again Send zhuo your work zhangzhou know
又送卓大著知漳州 again Send zhuo your work zhangzhou know
予邓峒□巽斋欧阳先生为淦邓峒赋诗以孝子慈孙望于人先生之盛心也敢不拜手敬赞邓君勉之 □ to Mr. Deng Cave Ouyang Xun fast as Gan Tang poetry to filial Cave Sun Tzu Sheng Wang at the heart of Mr. dare not worship the hands of people like Deng Jun Jing Mian
予题郁孤泉管五湖翁姚濂为之和翁官满归里因韵贽别并谢前辱 Yu Quan tube alone to question Five lake Whom and Weng Weng Yao Lian Official man Go in village Yun Zhi due to shame before the other, and Xie
渔舟 fishing boat
与朱古平饮山中和萧敬夫韵 Chocolate drink with flat In the mountains and Xiao jingfu charm
雨雪 sleet
御赐琼林宴恭和诗 Bestowed bythe emperor King Lam Yan Christine to compose verses to match those by others (as a literary exercise)
遇灵阳子谈道赠以诗 Yoko case of Ling Road, gifts to poems about
元日 Mongol
元日 Mongol
元日 Mongol
元夕 Lantern Festival
元夕 Lantern Festival
元夕 Lantern Festival
远游 pilgrimage
月夜 a moonlight night
越王台 Yuewang Taiwan
云端 high in the clouds
葬无主墓碑 bury Dereliction gravestone
古诗 ancient style poetry


