七月十三夜用灯牌字韵凑成一诗与诸宾一笑 jul A baker's `dozen thirteen dark Words rhyme with light board Whack A poem with all guests Smile
妻第一百四十三 feme Chiefly hundred forty three
妻子第一百四十六 Wife Chiefly hundred forty six
妻子第一百四十七 Wife Chiefly 100 4 seventeen
气慨 Mettle
遣兴 Qian Xing
遣兴 Qian Xing
勤王第五十三 To serve the king fifth a baker's `dozen thirteen
清江何汉英再见于空同读欧阳先生诗感慨为赋 Qing jiang He Hanying Adieu In the air the same time Surname Baas poem Sigh with emotion To Fu
庆罗氏祖母百岁 Qing Roche Beldam Hundred
求客 Customer demand
去年十月九日余至燕城今周星不报为赋长句 Yesteryear October The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Yu Zhiyan City today Jupiter Not reported as Fu Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
人日 Person days
壬午 Horse
如皋 Rugao
入狱第九十九 Go to thebasket ninth nineteen
入狱第一百 Go to thebasket (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc) hundred
入狱第一百三 Go to thebasket (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc) hundred three
入狱第一百四 Go to thebasket (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc) hundred four
入狱第一百一 Go to thebasket (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc) hundred uni-