唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
recall south of the Changjiang River
long lovesickness
The Song of a Guitar
A Song of Unending Sorrow
The beginning of autumn (13th solar term) Yi Yuan nine days Qujiang
Mar Thirty Japanese title Jionji
And a sense of Wei Wu xianggongzhuang make public the old pool peafowl
Ban in The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar right Chrysanthemum drink by the company of prosititutes Yi Yuan 9
Pu in the Night
the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
pity, regret, rue, begrudge peony
Night Snow
AND Xue Tao
attract East
Directly in the book Province
Empress Du Marceau
red cotton blanket
Aya wind
Mai Tanweng
ascending Yang pai Fat people
Salt women
Dalin temple on lushan mountain Peach blossom
A Song of the Palace
Mo Jiang Yin
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

extremely Passerby borrow Conjugal To Bitterness Monarch and his subjects Is also not the end of

   Bai Juyi

Taihang Road Nengcui car, if the ratio of people is easier. Wu Gorge of water to fight fire
If the flow than the heart is safe. People do not often taste bitter, exceedingly sore evil hairiness.
And the king made no statement or five, not at women as the reference of the cattle business. Gu Cheng and useless to abandon the back,
Beauty was still Yuanhui. Moreover, in today Luanjing, concubine Yan Jun heart change not changed.
King and smoked clothes, Jun Wen Lan She is not sweet. King and Yung Sheng ornaments
Kim Chui Chun see no color. The difficulties in traveling, difficult re-Chen. Mo Life Woman body
Century joy by others. The difficulties in traveling, difficult mountain, insurance in the water.
Not only human husband and wife, modern monarch is also the case. Do not you see the left ears,
Satisfied that the history of the right, toward the Cheng'en, twilight Cisi. The difficulties in traveling, not water, not mountains,
Only between human repeated.

【Source】 卷426_10

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