唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
recall south of the Changjiang River
long lovesickness
The Song of a Guitar
A Song of Unending Sorrow
The beginning of autumn (13th solar term) Yi Yuan nine days Qujiang
Mar Thirty Japanese title Jionji
And a sense of Wei Wu xianggongzhuang make public the old pool peafowl
Ban in The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar right Chrysanthemum drink by the company of prosititutes Yi Yuan 9
Pu in the Night
the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
pity, regret, rue, begrudge peony
Night Snow
AND Xue Tao
attract East
Directly in the book Province
Empress Du Marceau
red cotton blanket
Aya wind
Mai Tanweng
ascending Yang pai Fat people
Salt women
Dalin temple on lushan mountain Peach blossom
A Song of the Palace
Mo Jiang Yin
Multiple poems at a time
ancient-style poetry

Empress Du Marceau

   Bai Juyi

The storm also hurt the farmer.
Sou Duling, Duling home, more than one are aged species Susukida.
Dry wind, no rain in March, barley grass does not show more yellow death.
September frost early autumn cold, Wo are young immature ear dry.
Zhang Li Shen knows not breaking, radical violence to seek convergence of the examination.
Code Officer is satisfied Sang land rent, food and clothing will be how about next year.
Silk peel me, take my mouth millet.
Pest child who is the wolf, why hook claws saw tooth eating human flesh.
I do not know who played the emperor, the emperor heart compassion Appreciating disadvantages.
White linen paper book, Dean, Gyeonggi do put this tax.
Xu came to the door yesterday, where, armed with country-foot dispatch list.
Tax nine of ten graduates, virtual free by Wu Jun Yan Juan.
  【Show】 flowering
  【Application】 reporting the truth breaking
  【】 Strive to complete the requirements of the examination for the performance tax levy
  Why do not necessarily 【】
  【】 Laocui disadvantages
  】 【White linen paper, yellow and white documents points, appointments, pardons and other white linen paper to make books and yellow are common decree.
  【】 Juan exempt
  Emperor Xian Zong Yuan and three years (808) in winter to spring, the south around the vast area and Changan, suffered a severe drought. At this time the new Zuoshi Yi Bai, memorial statements sufferings of the people, requesting "tax relief" and "affordable and people." Emperor Xian Zong Bai finally approved the petitioned, but also a crime under the edict; but in fact nothing but a win over the hearts and minds engaged in the fraud. To this end, Bai wrote a "fat lighter" and the song "Duling old man."
  The poem Wo Shui Green stem, yellow wheat seedling death, Chidi show the background of thousands of miles of two rather dramatic scenes: one is that corrupt officials Rulangsihu, forcing the victims were "satisfied that the official Code of mulberry land rent "; then one is in the" completed nine of ten tax ", the only move slowly Xu arrived in villages declared" free "and" German sound, "so that victims are grateful to the emperor's End.
  Positive write "Zhang Li" only took a couple of verses, but the first to pave the way with the seriousness of the disaster, after the use of "I" of the complaint to add, in the middle of feudal society has revealed the most essential things, so scanty and image highlights, and a high degree of typicality. "Knowingly" farmers calamity, but he just "does not apply broken," and even beautify reality in order to win the emperor's favor, not very typical of this Changli it? "Knowingly" summer cropping, grain is not income, farmers have been dying, but he just "radical violence to seek convergence of the examination", this is not the most penetrating revelation of the nature of things?
  (Huo Songlin)
Created by: 晓松
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