Original Qing Hua Hua original chime, the ancients did not listen to modern people hear. Bin Shi Si, Si-Bin Shi, Ancient modern people do not hit attack. What is the difference ancient modern people with the homes of the musicians. Although the musicians in the ears, such as walls, regardless of voicing is the deaf. Liyuan Lu tuning disciples, A new sound as ancient knowledge. Called as a floating Si Qing Bin, Li identified lethal sound moving. China suspended an original stone house, then forget a border Chen Jun heart. Yan Hu Kou really starting from, Takeomi less willing to die a border. Shi Zhi Tong Music and Politics, How to listen to loud and that is all. Qing Xiang did not return from the sea, Chang'an City children as musicians. And Si Qing Hua Bin original stone, Who is that voicing twice.