唐代 许浑 Xu Hun  唐代   (?~858)
秋日赴阙题潼关驿楼 Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate on an Autumn Trip to the Capital
早秋 Early Autumn
陪王尚书泛舟莲池 To accompany the king Shang shu Go boating Lotus
赠裴处士 Pei gifts Department disabilities
对雪 Of snow
王居士 amir a layman Buddhist
洛东兰若夜归(一作自溪东兰若夜归) Nakdong Temple Of late One for self River East Temple Of late
寄天乡寺仲仪上人富春孙处士 Send heaven Temple Zhongyi Buddhist monk Fuchun Sun Department disabilities
晨起二首(后首一题作山斋秋晚) Early morning after the first two questions for a fast Qiu Wan Shan
晓发鄞江北渡寄崔韩二先辈(一作晓发鄞江寄崔寿韩) Fat Yin Xiao North of the lower reaches of the changjiang river Send Choi Han II transition Antecedent 1 for aldo yinjiang Send Cui Ting Han
盈上人 full Buddhist monk
广陵道中 Guangling Road
宿开元寺楼(一作宿开元寺西楼闻歌感赋) lodge for the night Kai yuan temple Floor for residential Kai yuan temple West tower Wengeganfu
洞灵观冬青 Spirit View dong ilex
送友人自荆襄归江东(友人新丧偶) lose one's wife
送同年崔先辈 accompany Class (surname) antecedent
山鸡 a pheasant
孤雁 Lone Wild Goose
寓怀 Apartments Huai
洛中游眺贻同志 (surname) Middle reaches (of a river) Tiao Yi compeer
长安旅夜 Chang'an Night Journey
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷532_37
