李生弃官入道因寄 Li sheng Official position Accord with taoism For Send
长兴里夏日南邻避暑 Changxing Village Summertime South summer
送韩校书 Songhanxiaoshu
秋晚登城 Qiu wan ascend City
江西郑常侍赴镇之日有寄,因酬和 Jiangxi Zheng chang Shi went to town the day Have sent mourn for respond (to a poem) with a poem
蒙河南刘大夫见示与吏部张公喜雪酬唱,辄敢攀和 Mon Liu henan Doctor See show And Ministry of official personal affairs in feudal china Zhang Gong Snow hi Respond (to a poem) with a poem Zheganpanhu
下第送宋秀才游岐下、杨秀才还江东 Fail in an exam Send Song Xiucai Youqixiayang Xiucai hand over the amount of sth south of the Changjiang River
南亭偶题 South Pavilion Dual problem
与裴三十秀才自越西归望亭阻冻登虎丘山寺精舍 And PEI Thirty Xiucai The more resistance from the cold Teng Seogui Wangting Tiger Temple teaching room
太和初靖恭里感事 Wo do early Jinggongligan
与侯春时同年南池夜话 And Hou Chun-time Class South Pond night falk
游果昼二僧院 Youguozhouer monastery
题官舍 inscribe Official residences
酬报先上人登楼见寄(上人自峡下来) Compensable ancestor Buddhist monk Ascend building See Send Buddhist monk Since the Gap descend
晓过郁林寺戏呈李明府 Xiao Guo Yu Monastery play was Li ming changwat
泛舟寻郁林寺道玄上人遇雨而返因寄 Go boating Monastery Road, Yu Xuan search Buddhist monk The rain and sent back for
题崇圣寺(寺,故行宫也) Chong Sheng Temple Temple issue Temporary dwelling place of an emporor also
赠高处士 Complimentary high Department disabilities
送僧归金山寺 Send to a monk return Jinshan Temple, where Fahai lives (from Madam White Snake)