唐代 许浑 Xu Hun  唐代   (?~858)
将归姑苏南楼饯送李明府 Will return Soochow, jiangsu province South tower Preserves delivery Li ming changwat
和浙西从事刘三复送僧南归 And western Zhejiang Pursue Liu sanfu Send to a monk Go South
送上元王明府赴任(一作送友人浙西任宰) accompany The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) Wang ming changwat Go to take one's post 1 for Accompany friend Western Zhejiang any slaughter
送沈卓少府任江都(一作赵嘏诗) Send Shen Zhuo Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty allow Another name of yangzhou 1 for Zhao gu poem
经故丁补阙郊居 After so small Buque Country Home
陪宣城大夫崔公泛后池兼北楼宴二首 accompany Announce city Doctor After the public pool and Choi Pan North tower Feast 2
留别赵端公 Give souvenir on parting surname End public
寄阳陵处士(一作寄昭亭杨处士,一作寄陵阳元处士) Send Yang Ling Department disabilities Chao-Ting Yang to send a Department disabilities An element for Send lingyang Department disabilities
与张道士同访李隐君不遇 And Zhang Taoist With Fangliyinjun fail to achieve one's success
闻州中有宴寄崔大夫兼简邢群评事 Send state banquet in Wen Cui Doctor And Jane Xing qun appraise things through discussion
寄殷尧藩先辈 lodge at Yan yaofan antecedent
赠河东虞押衙二首 present Hedong Yu Yaya 2
陵阳春日(一作移摄太守寄汝洛旧游) Tomb No-frills Date for transfer of a photo Procurator Send Yu Luo formerly-visited place
酬杜补阙初春雨中舟次横江喜裴郎中相迎见寄 Pay Du Buque The first month of spring Zhou plays the rain Across river Xi Pei Physician trained in herb medicine phase See ying lodge at
送张厚浙东谒丁常侍(一作送张厚浙东修谒) Ye Ding Hou-eastern Zhejiang Attendants sent to send a repair eastern Zhejiang Ye Hou
酬副使郑端公见寄 Choufushizheng End public Jianji
酬绵州于中丞使君见寄 Mianzhou to pay An official's name Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china See Send
春早郡楼书事寄呈府中群公 Spring early County Building Book thing Send a group of companies was Fuchu
元处士自洛归宛陵山居见示詹事相公饯行之什因赠 buck Department disabilities Since the return Wan Ling Luo To live away from civilization See show Zhanshi phase Public preserves What line of gifts for
送元昼上人归苏州兼寄张厚二首 Sent per day Buddhist monk return Suzhou (city) And send Hou 2
湖南徐明府余之南邻,久不还家,因题林馆 Hunan Ming-Yu of government South Long-suppressed due to problems at home also Lin Hall
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷535_31
