唐代 许浑 Xu Hun  唐代   (?~858)
鸂鶒 Xi Chi
懿安皇太后挽歌词 Yi-An Empress draw libretto
示弟 Brother said
送杨处士叔初卜居曲江 Send Yang Department disabilities Shu-Chu Choose a place for residence Bend River
发灵溪馆 Fat lingxi Museum
题杜居士(一作赠题杜隐居) Question Du A layman buddhist A question for gifts Du privacy
神女祠(一作圣女庙) Goddess Temple 1 for Virgin temple
早发中岩寺别契直上人 Premature Do not lease directly in yanshi Buddhist monk
行次潼关题驿后轩 Line after the second relay title Xuan Tongguan
晨至南亭呈裴明府 Morning to the South Pavilion was Pei Ming House
灞东题司马郊园(一作题张司马灞东郊园) Ba River East title Minister of war in ancient china Country Park, one for title sheets Minister of war in ancient china name of a river Eastern suburbs Garden Garden
游维山新兴寺,宿石屏村谢叟家 Tour Victoria Hill Sunrise Su Temple Danbing village Xie old man home
送从兄归隐蓝溪二首 accompany Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself Live in seclusion Blue Stream 2
思归 Sigui
晚泊七里滩 Night park Seven-Mile Beach
寄题南山王隐居(一作王隐士居) Send a question Zhongnanshan Wang yin Ju for Wang yin Gascoigne
晨装(洛中次甘水,一作甘泉) Los installed in the second morning Ganshui 1 for sweet spring
题韦隐居西斋(一作题韦处士山居) Question Wei Privacy Fast one for the West title Wei Department disabilities to live away from civilization
送李溟秀才西行 accompany Li ming xiucai wester
重游郁林寺道玄上人院 Revisiting Yu Monastery Road, Yuen Buddhist monk courtyard
泛溪 Pan River
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷528_24
