送从兄别驾归蜀 accompany Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself Bie jia Guishu
金陵阻风登延祚阁 Jinling tomb Wind resistance Deng yan Jo Court
送林处士自闽中道越由霅抵两川 Send LAM Department disabilities Since Min Halfway More from the Shadiliangchuan
宣城赠萧兵曹 Announce city Hsiao gifts Bing Cao
秋夕宴李侍御宅 Qiu xi Yan Li Shiyu house
岁暮自广江至新兴往复中题峡山寺四首 The dying year Since the wide river to Sunrise Move back and forth Temple 4 in the title Gap
南海使院对菊怀丁卯别墅 South sea scheme To hospital On ju bosom Ding mao,the fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calendar Villa
陪少师李相国崔宾客宴居守狄仆射池亭 Peishaoshilixiangguocui Guest Leisurely life Shoudipushe Pool Pavilion
和宾客相国咏雪 and Guest Phase States Wing Suet
奉和卢大夫新立假山 Feng and (surname) Doctor New legislation rockery
奉命和后池十韵 Under orders And post-Yun Chi 10
雨后思湖上居(─作雨中忆湖山居) After the rain Si Yi Lake Lake Home for the rain to live away from civilization
闻歌 Wen Song
长安早春怀江南 Chang'an (early)spring bosom south of the Changjiang River
塞下 Under Cyprus
送客南归(一作寓居崇圣寺送客南浦) See sb. to the door Go south 1 for Live Chong Sheng Temple See sb. to the door Nampo
送曾主簿归楚州省觐,予亦明日归姑孰 Sent the main book has to also go Chuzhou Province Kun Tomorrow Return regardless of what
重别(时诸妓同饯,一作重别曾主簿) Do the same when re-crystallized one for all prostitutes do not have the main book re-
湖上 Lake
夜泊永乐有怀 Night Wing-lok, a pregnant
古诗 ancient style poetry
【资料来源】 卷537_7