唐代 杜牧 Du Mu  唐代   (803~852)
旅宿 A Night at a Tavern
将赴吴兴登乐游原 I Climb to the Leyou Tombs Before Leaving for Wuxing
赤壁 By the Purple Cliff
泊秦淮 A Mooring on the Qin Huai River
寄扬州韩绰判官 A Message to Han Cho the Yangzhou Magistrate
遣怀 A Confession
秋夕 In the Autumn Night
赠别·其一 Parting I
赠别·其二 Parting II
金谷园 The Garden of the Golden Valley
感怀诗一首 时沧州用兵。 Recall with emotion poem A (poem) chron- Cangzhou city use military forces
杜秋娘诗并序 Du qiuniang Poems and Preface
郡斋独酌 黄州作。 County, Drinking alone by moonlight Huangzhou for
张好好诗并序 sheet Nicely Poems and Preface
冬至日寄小侄阿宜诗 Winter solstice Jixiaozhi Ah yi poem
李甘诗 Li Gan Shi
洛中送冀处士东游 The feeding Luo Ji Department disabilities East Tour
送沈处士赴苏州李中丞招以诗赠行 Send Shen Department disabilities attend Suzhou (city) Li zhong Dr. Cheng gift line of poetry
长安送友人游湖南 Chang'an Accompany friend swim Hunan
皇风 Huang Feng
雪中书怀 Snow books Huai
雨中作 Rain for
偶游石盎僧舍 宣州作。 Ouyoudanang Dormitories XuanZhou for
赴京初入汴口晓景即事先寄兵部李郎中 Bian Xiao-Jing mouth to Beijing first joined the Beforehand lodge at Department of war in feudal china (a surname) physician trained in herb medicine
古诗 ancient style poetry


