唐代 杜牧 Du Mu  唐代   (803~852)
登乐游原 ascend Le youyuan
闻庆州赵纵使君与党项战中箭身死长句 famous Gyeongju surname Notwithstanding Jun and Party items battle The arrow His death Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
送容州唐中丞赴镇 Songrongzhoutangzhongchengfu Town
夏州崔常侍自少常亚列出领麾幢十韵 Xia Zhou Cui changshi Less often from Asia List neck Colors buildings 10 Yun
街西长句 Street West Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
春申君 Chunshenjun
奉陵宫人 Feng Ling court ladies
春日言怀寄虢州李常侍十韵 Spring character Huai send Ten states Yun Guo Li Attendants
赠李处士长句四韵 Gift Li Department disabilities Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line 4 rhyme
送国棋王逢 Send Guo Qi Wang Feng
重送绝句 Replay Quatrains
少年行 Junior Bank
朱坡 Zhu Po
早春寄岳州李使君李善棋爱酒情地闲雅 (early)spring Send Yuezhou Lee Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Li shan Love to love wine chess be care free and elegant
送王侍御赴夏口座主幕 Going to send Wang Shiyu Xiakou Seat main screen
自贻 Since Yi
自遣 divert oneself from melancholy
题桐叶 inscribe FE could be served
沈下贤 Sank Yin
赠沈学士张歌人 Shen gifts Bachelor Zhang Song of people
忆游朱坡四韵 Yi Yu Zhu po 4 rhyme
朱坡绝句三首 Zhu Po Quatrains 3
古诗 ancient style poetry


