归家 [一作赵嘏诗,题作《到家》。] One to go home Zhao gu A poem for home
雨 rain
送人 to see (or walk) someone home
遣怀 Calling
醉赠薛道封 Xue drunk gift Road closures
咏袜 Ode to Socks
宫词二首 Palace lyrics 2
月 Diana
忍死留别献盐铁裴相公二十叔 To live when one would rather die (for the sake of a noble cause, etc.) Give souvenir on parting Pei Xiang Gong Xian salt Score uncle (as in 0647) in direct address
悲吴王城 Sad king City
闺情代作 Exquisite Substitute
寄沈褒秀才 Send Shen bao xiucai
入关 Entry into
及第后寄长安故人 Pass an imperial examination Send post Chang'an decedent