北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
与梁先舒焕泛舟得临酿字二首 And Leung Shu huan Go boating Get stuffed characters 2 Pro
次韵答邦直子由四首 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words A child from the four straight state
司马君实独乐园 Minister of war in ancient china Jun-shi alone Paradise
送颜复兼寄王巩 Yan Fu and send send Wang Gong
蝎虎 Tokage
子由将赴南都与余会宿于逍遥堂作两绝句读之殆不可为怀因和其诗以自解余观子由自少旷达天资近道又得至人养生长年之诀而余亦窃闻其一二以为今者宦游相别之日浅而异时退休相従之日长既以 Child will go to the South with the remainder will be two places at the Happy Church of Scots can not read the quatrains is pregnant and due to its poetry from the self-less broad-minded self-Yu Guanzi talent Jindao is again condemns the tactics and healt
留题石经院三首 Comments written after visiting a place rock Academy 3
过云龙山人张天骥 Guo Yunlong Hermit CHANG
赠王仲素寺丞(名景纯。) present Wang zhongsu Name of King of pure Si Cheng
和孔周翰二绝·观净观堂效韦苏州诗 And kong zhouhan two must View net Guantangxiaowei Suzhou (city) poem
京师哭任遵圣 Capital (of a country) Kurenzunsheng
答任师中家汉公(一题:奉和师中丈汉公兄见寄诗一首) A Chinese company of any division one title in the family Feng and Division in the Chinese Kine see husband send poetry a (poem)
初别子由 beginning, initial, primary Son rather than the wife's eldest son cause
次韵吕梁仲屯田 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Lvliang intermediate have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain
王巩屡约重九见访既而不至以诗送将官梁交且见寄次韵答之交颇文雅不类武人家有侍者甚惠丽 Wang Gong repeatedly about Chongjiu not to see the visit both poetry and see the cross-beam sent generals to send sub-Yun A quite elegant turn of a waiter does not like people very Hui Li Wu
台头寺雨中送李邦直赴史馆分韵得忆字人字兼寄孙巨源二首 institute Sub-yun Be recalled (of a girl) to become engaged Words and send Sun juyuan 2
代书答梁先 Allograph A Leung
九日邀仲屯田为大水所隔以诗见寄次其韵 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Invited Chung Have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain act Flood The views across to send their rhyme poem see
河复(并叙) Creek Complex Bing Xu
赠写御容妙善师 Grant writing Emperor'portrait Schooling Division
哭刁景纯 Kudiaojingchun
古诗 ancient style poetry


