北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
刁景纯赏瑞香花忆先朝侍宴次韵 Diaojingchunshang Daphne flower Recalling the first Asaji Feast write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
同柳子玉游鹤林招隐醉归呈景纯 Tour with Liu Ziyu Tsurubayashi To recruit people in retirement for government service Zuiguichengjing pure
景纯见和复次韵赠之二首 See King and pure To repeat over and over--in detail (used mostly in buddhist scriptures) Yun donated two
柳子玉亦见和因以送之兼寄其兄子璋道人 Liu Ziyu also see and, due to the delivery of child and sent his brother Zhang a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest
子玉家宴用前韵见寄复答之 Ember Send a private banquet with former rhyme see the complex A
景纯复以二篇一言其亡兄与伯父同年之契一言今者唱酬之意仍次其韵 Jingchunfuyi'erpian To reach a binding agreement verbally Qiwangxiongyu Uncle Class Zhiqi To reach a binding agreement verbally Jinzhe To converse in songs or verses Not dream of Rengciqiyun
金山寺与柳子玉饮大醉卧宝觉禅榻夜分方醒书其壁 Jinshan temple, where fahai lives (from madam white snake) And Liu Ziyu drink Drink till all's blue Lying Po Kok Zen couch Midnight The wall side wake book
大风留金山两日 Gale Two-day stay in Jinshan
监洞霄宫俞康直郎中所居四咏·退圃 inspect Gong xiao-dong Yu Kang directly Physician trained in herb medicine The home Siyongtuipu
监洞霄宫俞康直郎中所居四咏·逸堂 Inspect gong xiao-dong yu kang directly physician trained in herb medicine the home 4 wing Yi Tong
监洞霄宫俞康直郎中所居四咏·遁轩 Inspect gong xiao-dong yu kang directly physician trained in herb medicine the home 4 wing Escape Hin
监洞霄宫俞康直郎中所居四咏·远楼(栖) Inspect gong xiao-dong yu kang directly physician trained in herb medicine the home 4 wing Yuan Lou Xi
书普慈长老壁(志诚) Pu Tzu book Father Wall Zhicheng
书焦山纶长老壁 Books Jiaoshan lun Father wall
刁景纯席上和谢生二首 Diao King Pure Scholars and Xie sheng 2
留别金山宝觉圆通二长老 Give souvenir on parting Jinshan Po Kok Ripeness twain father
杭州牡丹开时仆犹在常润周令作诗见寄次其韵复次一首送赴阙 Hangzhou Peony Open Run-time servant still in the regular week to make Poetry See Send times the charm To repeat over and over--in detail (used mostly in buddhist scriptures) A (poem) accompany Fuque
苏州闾丘江君二家雨中饮酒二首 Suzhou (city) Lu Qiujiang Jun 2 Rain Booze 2
次韵沈长官三首 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words a chronic disease Prefect 3
戏书吴江三贤画像三首 Play book Wujiang 3 Yin Drawing 3
和刘孝叔会虎丘时王规甫斋素祈雨不至二首 And Liu Xiaoshu will Tiger Wang Guifuzhaisu when praying for rain not until the first
过永乐文长老已卒 Guo Yong Le Wen Father Death has been
古诗 ancient style poetry


