北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
赠张刁二老 Diao gift Zhang father and mother
去年秋偶游宝山上方入一小院阒然无人有僧隐几低头读书与之语漠然不甚对问其邻之僧曰此云阇黎也不出十五年矣今年六月自常润还复至其室则死葬数月矣作诗题其壁 Even last fall trip into a small courtyard at the top of Baoshan http then no one has hidden several monks bow with which to study language not quite indifferent to ask its neighbors for the monk said, this cloud Du Li did not carry out the fifteen years
听僧昭素琴 Listen to Monk Zhao Suqin
僧惠勤初罢僧职 Monk Huiqinchuba priesthood
游灵隐高峰塔 Lingyin Tour Alp Tower
八月十七日天竺山送桂花分赠元素 Aug Seventeen daily India mountain accompany Sweet osmanthus flower To give to element
捕蝗至浮云岭山行疲苦有怀子由弟二首 To catch locusts Floating clouds Ridge Mountain line Fatigue bitter and Huai-son By a brother 2
青牛岭高绝处有小寺人迹罕到 black Niu ling ridge High must have a small office Eunuchs Trace rare to
新城陈氏园次晁补之韵 New town Chen shi Park views Chao buzhi charm
与毛令方尉游西菩提寺二首 Wei Yu and Mao that the West side Bodhi temple 2
听贤师琴 Tingxianshiqin
赠写真何充秀才 present Likeness He fully xiucai
李行中秀才醉眠亭三首 Li hangzhong Xiucai Drunk sleep Pavilion 3
润州甘露寺弹筝 Runzhou Kanroji Shells Zheng
单同年求德兴俞氏聚远楼诗三首 s House seeking far Poems 3
平山堂次王居卿祠部韵 Hall Ciwangjuqing Cibu rhyme
次韵陈海州书怀 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words exhibit, display Haeju Form was
次韵陈海州乘槎亭 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words exhibit, display Haeju By cha booth
次韵孙职方苍梧山 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Sun staff Cangwu Mountain
次韵孙巨源寄涟水李盛二著作并以见寄五绝 write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Sun juyuan Send Lianshui Li Sheng 2 Classic And to see Send poem of four lines having five characters to each line
王莽 Wang Mang
董卓 Dong Zhuo
古诗 ancient style poetry


