北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
次韵孙秘丞见赠 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Sun Michengxianzeng
与客游道场何山得鸟字 AND Customer tour Taoist or buddhist rites (performed to save the souls of the dead) He shan The word was a bird
舶趠风(并引。) Chao Feng and lead ship
丁公默送蝤蛑 Mo sent Dinggong swimming crab
送孙著作赴考城兼寄钱醇老李邦直二君于孙处有书见及 Sent Sun Classic Fukao City and Remission Alcohol old Bang straight Erjun Department has written in view of Sun
泛舟城南会者五人分韵赋诗得人皆若炎字四首 Go boating South Participants 5 Manit charm Indite Choose the right person for the right job If the inflammatory words were four
次韵李公择梅花 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Lee public choice mumeplant japanese
送渊师归径山 Songyuanshigui Pathway Mountain
次韵周开祖长官见寄 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Zhou Kaizu Prefect See Send
林子中以诗寄文与可及余与可既殁追和其韵 Forest In the poem text and Accessibility I can be both dead and chase and the rhyme
与胡祠部游法华山 And Hu Cibu Mode of progression China Mountain
又次前韵赠贾耘老 Also top-Yun Jia Yun-old gift
赵阅道高斋 Zhao reading Road Kosai
送俞节推(汝尚之子,汝尚字退翁) Send Yu Jietuirushang Perseus Ru Shangzituiweng
次韵答孙侔 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words answer Sun Mou
重寄一首 redirect a (poem)
次韵和刘贡甫登黄楼见寄并寄子由二首 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Deng and Liu Kung Fu Wong House, see Send and Send child by the two
陈州与文郎逸民饮别携手河堤上作此诗 Chen states and Fumio Recluse Do not drink Join hands (with) Embankment Make poem
子由自南都来陈三日而别 Son came from the south since Chen on the 3rd and other
正月十八日蔡州道上遇雪子由韵二首 The first month of the lunar year The number 18 Day Caizhou trail Case of snow Child by the rhyme 2
古诗 ancient style poetry


