北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
过新息留示乡人任师中(任时知泸州,亦坐事对狱。) Guo said the new rates to stay Villager When any teacher in any known Luzhou city Also sit on the prison issue
过淮 Guo Huai
书黁公诗后(并叙) After the public poetry book Nun Bing Xu
游净居寺(并叙) Youjingjusi Bing Xu
梅花二首 Mumeplant japanese 2
戏作种松 Humorous Pine species
万松亭(并叙) Wansongting Bing Xu
张先生(并叙) Zhang xian accrue Bing Xu
陈季常所蓄朱陈村嫁娶图 Chen ji Often the store Zhuchen village Espouse chart
少年时尝过一村院见壁上有诗云夜凉疑有雨院静似无僧不知何人诗也宿黄州禅智寺寺僧皆不在夜半雨作偶记此诗故作一绝 Tasted a village youth see the wall of a poem hospital the night cold rain hospital suspected of having static monks do not know who seems to be no poetry places Huangzhou Zen Chi Temple monks neither rain in the middle of the night to make even remember
初到黄州 Early Huangzhou
定惠院寓居月夜偶出 Will benefit hospital Live A moonlight night Even the
次韵前篇 write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words prequel
安国寺浴 Ankokuji bath
安国寺寻春 Ankokuji Search of the spring
寓居定惠院之东杂花满山有海棠一株土人不知贵也 Live Hospitals will benefit the mountain east of mixed flowers Chinese cherry apple 1 Boong Guiltless You also
次韵乐著作野步 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words (surname) Classic Wild Step
二月二十六日雨中熟睡至晚强起出门还作此诗意思殊昏昏也 February twain Caroche daily Rain Slumber To late Strong effect Take everything but the kitchen sink. Also for this Poetry Best special intoxication also
雨晴后步至四望亭下鱼池上遂自乾明寺前东冈上归二首 Yuqing Room for manoeuvre To Look around booth next Fishpond On Suizi dry ming temple front dong gang on the go Two
雨中看牡丹三首 Rain behold Peony 3
次韵乐著作送酒 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words (surname) Classic Send wine
王齐万秀才寓居武昌县刘郎洑正与伍洲相对伍子胥奔吴所従渡江也 Wang Qi Wan Xiucai Live Wuchang County in Lang undercurrent eddy Be engaged with Ng Chau Antithesis Wu zixu Ben Wu Cause Cross the river also
杜沂游武昌以酴醿花菩萨泉见饷二首 Du Yi Yu Wuchang Yitumihua Buddha See spring rates 2
陈季常自岐亭见访郡中及旧州诸豪争欲邀致之戏作陈孟公诗一首 Chen ji Changziqiting Your visit Counties reach Old state Zhuhaozhengyuyaozhizhi Humorous Chenmenggong poem a (poem)
古诗 ancient style poetry


