北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
次韵田国博部夫南京见寄二绝 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words 田国博 Department Cove south capital See send 2 must
月夜与客饮酒杏花下 A moonlight night And off Booze apricot Flower under
送蜀人张师厚赴殿试二首 Shu Zhang division went to get thick Final imperial examination 2
再次韵答田国博部夫还二首 Again A Tianguo Bo Yun Department of husband also two
田国博见示石炭诗有铸剑斩佞臣之句次韵答之 Tian States Read extensively instruct Carboniferous Poetry sword cut Crafty and fawning officials as subjects to the king The sentence Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words A s
罢徐州往南京马上走笔寄子由五首 cease Xuzhou Southward capital Anon Write rapidly Send a child from the 5
次韵曹九章见赠 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Cao IX see gifts
书泗州孙景山西轩 Books Sizhou SUN Jing Shanxi covered carriage
过淮三首赠景山兼寄子由 Guo Huai three sub-grant from the Jingshan and Send
舟中夜起 Boat Night from
余去金山五年而复至 I go Jinshan Pentad Undone to
游惠山(并叙) You Huishan Bing Xu
赠钱道人 Gift money a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest
与秦太虚参寥会于松江而关彦长徐安中适至分韵得风字二首 And Qin Heaven Very few participants Will Loose river The Commissioner in appropriate Yan Xu security to Sub-yun Word 2 may wind
次韵秦太虚见戏耳聋 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words (surname) Heaven See show deafness
端午遍游诸寺得禅字 Dragon traveled all Sidechanzi
送刘寺丞赴余姚 Liu Si Cheng went to get Yuyao
王巩清虚堂 Wang gong Qingxudong Church
和孙同年卞山龙洞祷晴 And Sun Class Bian Mountains Natural cave (cavern) Prayer Ching
乘舟过贾收水阁收不在见其子三首 Cheng zhou Guo Jia received Waterside pavilion accept Absence Reflected in its sub-3
古诗 ancient style poetry


