十二月二十日领客登介亭分韵得梅字 Dec Score Rilingkedeng Kai ting Sub-yun Mei was the word
十二月九日雪融夜起达旦 Dec the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Snow melt Night from until dawn
十二月十七日宰执率百官请大行皇帝谥于南郊曰宁宗纪事四首 Dec Seventeen daily Prime minister frank Officials of all ranks and descriptions engage The late emperor Posthumous in the southern suburbs of Yue Zong Ning Commentary 4
十二月十七日宰执率百官请大行皇帝谥于南郊曰宁宗纪事四首 Dec Seventeen daily Prime minister frank Officials of all ranks and descriptions engage The late emperor Posthumous in the southern suburbs of Yue Zong Ning Commentary 4
十二月十七日宰执率百官请大行皇帝谥于南郊曰宁宗纪事四首 Dec Seventeen daily Prime minister frank Officials of all ranks and descriptions engage The late emperor Posthumous in the southern suburbs of Yue Zong Ning Commentary 4
十二月十七日宰执率百官请大行皇帝谥于南郊曰宁宗纪事四首 Dec Seventeen daily Prime minister frank Officials of all ranks and descriptions engage The late emperor Posthumous in the southern suburbs of Yue Zong Ning Commentary 4
史致政挽诗 Shi Zhizheng lament
寿四川制置李侍郎 birthday Sichuan Chi Li system assistant minister