唐代 王维 Wang Wei  唐代   (701~761)
On the Mountain Holiday Thinking of my Brothers in Shandong
Mount Zhongnan
Seeing Off a Friend
Lodge Among the Bamboos
Deer-park Hermitage
Bird Stream
A Song of a Girl from Loyang
Song of an Old General
A Song of Peach-blossom River
A Message from my Lodge at Wangchuan to Pei Di
An Autumn Evening in the Mountains
Bound Home to Mount Song
Answering Vice-prefect Zhang
Toward the Temple of Heaped Fragrance
A Message to Commissioner Li at Zizhou
A View of the Han River
My Retreat at Mount Zhongnan
An Early Audience at the Palace of Light Harmonizing Secretary Jia Zhi Poem
Looking Down in a Spring-rain on the Course from Fairy-mountain Palace to the Pavilion of Increase Harmonizing the Emperor's Poem
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Songs Illinois

   Wang Wei

Acacia bitter breeze moon, swing _set_ out the remaining ten sub Congrong.
People to sign on hospitality Well, in the final hours of geese came with the book.
  "Illinois" as the tune name. This first quatrains Wang Wei was the name of song sung opera, language, plain amiable, easy to understand the meaning more definite, like accidentally writing to. This is the art of reaching chemical, may forget the fish trap performance.
  After the two harness the use of reverse (ie, narrative genre in the "flashback") approach to guide the reader with the heroine's memories, re-see the scene in ten years ago, moving drama of life. Perhaps a pavilion in front, then off woman tell her husband about to be enlisted for more then a thousand words into a caution: "When the geese go south, the letters will happen a lot to send ah." Will "can gracious Well "requirement is" number (a lot) with the book ", which shows how she hopes to look forward to. The reverse pull the reader's imagination in a broader space-time ride away, on the "Bitter Love" is more deeply appreciate the words of a fine.
  These two is not simply a farewell scene between the lines echoed the more fertile overtones. Especially the "flying geese to return the number of hours with the book," the Jiuhuachongti, there is much. That Zhengfu to whether the frequency of a letter sent in, to comfort the lonely do? I'm afraid not. Conditions of far less convenient mail; the early years of the natural more news, back to hard to say. Write eventually becoming even pick up a pen, I do not know where to start against a sense of the situation is simply not write any. The accident is even more difficult to say. After all, that women bring up again, not without reason. "Bitter Love" words, although there are different customs to find the specific content of cable twist of play.
  Further, but also more similar verses, Cen Shen "Chang Yu-off to send the main book": "more than thousands of miles east of Chang'an, where unfortunately the enemy line of the book," Zhang Xu, "spring grass": "Love Do not know for three years at sea, do not send clouds a paper book. " Cen Zhang sentence cut off as the book tells the blame sound relatives and friends suffering mood, but they speak bluntly. And there is a roundabout Wang sentence, exhort with books only mention the matter, denial of the meaning of the expression of the book sounds quite tortuous, self-blame implicitly agreed not reveal, is particularly subtle essence.
  Art of the ingenious idea of ​​the poem, mainly in the "reverse pull," the magical effect. However, readers speak, the plain kind, not deliberately, tirelessly moving. This is the art of poetry reached a pinnacle of performance. (Zhou Xiaotian)


【Source】 卷128_86

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