唐代 王维 Wang Wei  唐代   (701~761)
送张判官赴河西 Send Zhang Official attend Hexi region
送岐州源长史归(同在崔常侍幕中,时常侍已殁) aide Return with the Cui changshi Tent Often Shi was dead
送张道士归山 Send Zhang taoist return to the mountain
送钱少府还蓝田 Give money Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty hand over the amount of sth Lantian
送丘为往唐州 accompany Qiu wei To the Tang state
送元中丞转运江淮(一作钱起诗) Sent element An official's name Handling The yangtze river and the huai river 1 for Qian qi poem
送崔九兴宗游蜀 Send cui 9 Okimune You Shu
送平澹然判官 Send ping Dan ran official
送刘司直赴安西 Send the Secretary Zhi Fu Liu Anxi
送赵都督赴代州得青字 Send Zhao Governor of province Words on behalf of the state may go blue
送方城韦明府 Fang Wei Ming government sent to the city
送李员外贤郎 To Li Ministry councillor Yin Lang
送张五諲归宣城 Five Yin Zhang return to send Announce City
送杨长史赴果州 aide Go to the state fruit
送邢桂州 Songxingguizhou
送宇文三赴河西充行军司马 accompany Yu-wen Third went to Hexi region full Hike minister of war in ancient china
送孙二 Sent Sun 2
送崔三往密州觐省 Sent to Missouri Jin Choi 3 Province
送孟六归襄阳(一作张子容诗) Songmengliugui Xiangyang 1 for Zhang zirong poem
初出济州别城中故人(一作被出济州) The beginning of the Jeju Other city Decedent To be out of a Jeju
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷126_20
