双黄鹄歌送别(时为节度判官,在凉州作) give a send-off party When Official Official For the Liangzhou
赠徐中书望终南山歌 Wang Xu Zhongnan gift book folk song
送友人归山歌二首(离骚题作山中人) Accompany friend return to the mountain Sao title song for two mountain go-between
鱼山神女祠歌·迎神 fish Mountain deity Female song of temple Temple
宋进马哀词 Song Jin Ma Sad words
奉和圣制赐史供奉曲江宴应制 Feng and Shengzhicishi Dedicate Bend river banquet write poem according to the emperor's order
从岐王过杨氏别业应教 From Qi Wang guo Yang shi Villa Should be taught
从岐王夜宴卫家山池应教 Congqiwang Dinner party defend Group consisting of parents and their children mountain Chiyingjiao
早朝 levee
寄荆州张丞相 lodge at Jing township sheet prime minister
冬晚对雪忆胡居士家(一作王劭诗,非) Yi Hu winter night on the snow A layman buddhist WANG Shao-poem of a non-family for
和尹谏议史馆山池 institute Hill Pond
奉和杨驸马六郎秋夜即事 s son-in-law Rokuro Autumn night That is something
酬比部杨员外暮宿琴台朝跻书阁率尔见赠之作(卢照邻) Pay more than the Department of Yang Ministry councillor Su Ji-book twilight song of the DPRK cabinet Lver See for gifts of Lu ZhaoLin
酬张少府 Pay Zhang shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
送丘为落第归江东 accompany Qiu wei The poor return south of the Changjiang River