唐代 王维 Wang Wei  唐代   (701~761)
齐州送祖三(一作河上送赵仙舟,又作淇上别赵仙舟) Sarkozy to send ancestral state for 31 cents on the river boat to send another for Zhao Qi Zhao Xian on the other boat
送缙云苗太守 Miao send Jinyun procurator
送高適弟耽归临淮作(坐上作) accompany Gao shi Younger brother to sit for Linhuaiguan delay return
送张舍人佐江州同薛璩十韵(走笔成) Zuo Zhang Scheeren sent with Xuequshiyun Jiangzhou Write rapidly become
送韦大夫东京留守 Send Wei Doctor Tokyo stay behind for garrison or liaison duty
资圣寺送甘二 Information holy temple Sent Gan 2
留别山中温古上人兄并示舍弟缙 Give souvenir on parting In the mountains Wen Gu Buddhist monk Brother and said She Di Jin
别綦毋潜 allo- Qiwu Qian
晦日游大理韦卿城南别业四声依次用各六韵 Misoka Dali Wei Qing Yu South Villa The four tones of classical chinese phonetics Devolution Rhyme with the six
冬日游览 Winter cruise
华岳 Hua Yue
同卢拾遗过韦给事东山别业二十韵给事首春…不果斯诺 With Lu Gleaning Guoweigeishi Dongshan Villa Score Yun to do First spring In vain Snow
蓝田山石门精舍 Lantian Mountain Adit teaching room
青溪(一作过青溪水作) Qingxi One made Qingxi Water for
崔濮阳兄季重前山兴(山西去亦对维门) (surname) Poo-yang Brother season weight Front range encourage Shanxi Dimension door to also
丁田家有赠 Ding tian Families with gifts
春中田园作 Spring in the Garden for
过李楫宅 Guo Li Ji home
韦侍郎山居 (surname) Assistant minister to live away from civilization
饭覆釜山僧 Rice Review Pusan bonze
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷125_35
