唐代 王维 Wang Wei  唐代   (701~761)
晓行巴峡 Xiao-line Pakistan Gap
清如玉壶冰(京兆府试,时年十九) Clear kettle made by jade ice Capital prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination Time in nineteen
赋得秋日悬清光 Fu de Autumn Suspended clear light
田家 a farming family
沈十四拾遗新竹生读经处同诸公之作 a chronic disease Myristic acid Gleaning Hsinchu accrue Study the confucian classics Mysteries of the Department for the same
杂诗 Miscellaneous Poems
过沈居士山居哭之 Guo Shen A layman buddhist To live away from civilization Crying
哭祖六自虚(时年十八) Cry from the virtual ancestors 6 Time in the number 18
大同殿柱产玉芝龙池上有庆云神光照殿百官共睹…即事 Great harmony,the confucian ideal of perfect society Hall column production Yuzhi Longchi There Cloud of five colors clever Beam palace Officials of all ranks and descriptions That is something for everyone to see
敕赐百官樱桃(时为文部郎) Chi Ci Officials of all ranks and descriptions Cherry chron- Write Lang Department
敕借岐王九成宫避暑应教 Edict of sublime by Qi Wang Summer Should be taught
和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作 and Gu sheren Levee The as the Daming Palace
和太常韦主簿五郎温汤寓目之作 and An offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains Wei Goro Hot water main book Look over S for
苑舍人能书梵字兼达梵音,皆曲尽其妙,戏为之赠 Court Toneri to book Fan zi And up Pure sound all Music do its magic Play whom gifts
重酬苑郎中(时为库部员外) Chongchou Court Physician trained in herb medicine When (in ancient china) a department under the defense ministry in charge of arms and ministry councillor
酬郭给事 Chouguogeishi
出塞(时为御史监察塞上作) 古 Shiwei The censor supervise Stuffed for
既蒙宥罪旋复拜官伏感圣恩窃书鄙意兼奉简新…等诸公 Ji Meng To forgive an offense Spin recovery Offer official posts V sense of Divine Grace Stealing Books My humble opinion Upon such simple and gentlemen the new
送方尊师归嵩山 Send side Respect the teacher return Songshan, the highest and central peak of the Five Sacred Mountains (or Five Peaks), located in Hunan
送杨少府贬郴州 Send Yang Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty demote Chenzhou
过乘如禅师萧居士嵩丘兰若 Take-off Ru chanshi desolate A layman buddhist Song Qiu temple
春日与裴迪过新昌里访吕逸人不遇 Spring AND Pei di across Xinchang village Lu Yi who visit fail to achieve one's success
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷127_31
