唐代 许浑 Xu Hun  唐代   (?~858)
Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate on an Autumn Trip to the Capital
Early Autumn
To accompany the king Shang shu Go boating Lotus
Pei gifts Department disabilities
Of snow
amir a layman Buddhist
Nakdong Temple Of late One for self River East Temple Of late
Send heaven Temple Zhongyi Buddhist monk Fuchun Sun Department disabilities
Early morning after the first two questions for a fast Qiu Wan Shan
Fat Yin Xiao North of the lower reaches of the changjiang river Send Choi Han II transition Antecedent 1 for aldo yinjiang Send Cui Ting Han
full Buddhist monk
Guangling Road
lodge for the night Kai yuan temple Floor for residential Kai yuan temple West tower Wengeganfu
Spirit View dong ilex
lose one's wife
accompany Class (surname) antecedent
a pheasant
Lone Wild Goose
Apartments Huai
(surname) Middle reaches (of a river) Tiao Yi compeer
Chang'an Night Journey
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

give a send-off party

   Xu Hun

Song of a distorted labor boats sailing, water jet leaves the Castle Peak.
Higurashi sober people far away, under the sky rain West Wing.
  This is in Xuancheng farewell Xu Hun a poem written after a friend. Ting Hsieh, also known as Xie Gongting, in Xuancheng north, south Qi Xie Tiao poet built any time Xuancheng Prefecture. He bid farewell to friends here, Fan Yun, Ting Xie later became a famous farewell Xuancheng land. Li Bai, "Xie Gongting" poem said: "Parting at Pavilion Xie, landscape each new worry. Passengers on casual blue sky, mountain air green water flow." Repeated constantly leaving, so beautiful thank Pavilion also infected with a layer of sadness the landscape.
  Write the first sentence of friends boat to leave. Ancient custom of singing off. "Labour Song", this means the weary Pavilion (site of Nanjing in the south of this is also a famous Farewell to) see a visitor when the song, and later became the generation of said farewell song. Workers a song, cable solutions boat trip from the eyes to write a farewell and helpless situation Congju atmosphere.
  This sentence is not written directly to boats sailing friends. But by "water jet" portrait, from the swift boat trip can imagine walking through the poet watched the boats sailing the river leaves the surface of the Castle Peak Gaan scene has hearted in the head. "Radical" word off by revealing the dark "water too fast," the psychological state, but also the performance of the entire verse of the sad mood with a little cramped, restless mean Sao debris. This poet was not harmonious restful state of mind that is consistent.
  Do not write the third sentence, after a very sober in the coaching empty, then the fourth sentence but does not directly express sadness, but dang open scenery. However, this desolate landscape of the dark confusion of special color and the poet's state of mind at that time is relative to fit, so the reader can feel the poet from the bleak desolate feelings. This Emotion by King to King knot conditions, compared to directly express feelings of embarrassment to do, not only more Han Yun, more appealing, but also the end of the unique kind of goes without saying that grief of Music.
  This poem together before and after the two-time by two different shades of the scene composition. The former Union views of the Castle Peak bright red leaves contrasting Parting, after wind and rain associated with its desolate landscape along the lining away from the bleak situation, strokes varied. And I, thirty-two were made and people point out the boat away, two, forty-two pure contrast with the scene rendering, then again different, but have the same, so changing the whole chapter in the show unity.
  (Liu Kai)

【Source】 卷538_13

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