唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
An Elegy I
An Elegy II
An Elegy III
The Summer Palace
Sigui Music
Spring Dove
Spring cicada
Rabbit Wire
Ancient Society
Tung Blossom
Pheasant media
Game God
Big mouth Ukraine
Sihao Temple
Albatron Relay
Yangcheng Relay
Ku Yu
Species of bamboo
Happy and harmonious Fan-day gift classic
Happy and harmonious Day sense Crane
Multiple poems at a time
Qiyan lushi,a poem of eight lines

An Elegy I

   Yuan Zhen

O youngest, best-loved daughter of Xie,
Who unluckily married this penniless scholar,
You patched my clothes from your own wicker basket,
And I coaxed off your hairpins of gold, to buy wine with;
For dinner we had to pick wild herbs –
And to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling.
...Today they are paying me a hundred thousand –
And all that I can bring to you is a temple sacrifice.

    Translator: Witter Bynner


【Source】 卷404_9

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