恭王故太妃挽歌词二首(校书郎时作) Yukio it Toffee Coronach Word 2 when Collator
哭吕衡州六首 Cried Lu Hampshire 6
僧如展及韦载同游碧涧寺各赋诗…不复撰成徒以四韵为识 Monk _set_ the same as development and Wei Yu Bi jian The Temple Indite No longer Zhuancheng only for the knowledge of four rhyme
公安县远安寺水亭见展公题壁漂然泪流因书四韵 Gong'an county Temple Shuiting see much development of public Write on the wall However, due to drift tears Rhyme Book 4
寒食日毛空路示侄晦及从简 Cold Food Day hair dark and empty road show nephew cut short
别孙村老人(寒食日) allo- Sun village Companion Cold Food Day
和乐天刘家花 Happy and harmonious Liu spent days
褒城驿二首 Baocheng Relay 2
和乐天梦亡友刘太白同游二首 Happy and harmonious Heavenly late friend Liu Vesper Tour 2 with
酬乐天见忆,兼伤仲远 fulfil Happy-go-lucky See Chung Yuan Yi and injury
与乐天同葬杓直 AND Happy-go-lucky Tongzangshaozhi
夜闲(此后并悼亡) Busy night Thereafter combine mourn for the dead
感小株夜合 Sense of small strains Magnolia
醉醒 Awake drunk
追昔游 chase Xi Yu
空屋题(十月十四日夜) A void house inscribe October myristic acid day and night
初寒夜寄卢子蒙 Early winter Night Jiluzimeng
城外回,谢子蒙见谕 Back outside, see Meng Xie child encyclical