痁卧闻幕中诸公征乐会饮,因有戏呈三十韵 Malarial Press Tent lying gentlemen to drink because of intrinsic Club Hopeful assume Thirty charm
酬友封话旧叙怀十二韵(依次重用为韵) You pay closed Talk over old times Syria Huai Troubadour charm Devolution To put in an important position To rhyme
送王协律游杭越十韵 Law Society to send Wang Yu Hang yue 10 Yun
送东川马逢侍御使回十韵 Send Dongchuan Ma feng Shi Yu Yun to return to 10
酬卢秘书 Pay Lu secretary
奉和权相公行次临阙驿逢郑仆射相公归…赠诗十四韵 Feng and Kwon Sang Public bank Times Linqueyifeng Zheng pushe Xianggongzhuang return Zengshi Myristic acid charm
酬乐天东南行诗一百韵 fulfil Happy-go-lucky Southeast Line poem Hundred charm
和乐天送客游岭南二十韵(次用本韵) Happy and harmonious day See sb. to the door swim South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Score Rhyme time with this rhyme
献荥阳公诗五十韵 Xianxingyanggong Five poems Shiyun
酬乐天江楼夜吟稹诗,因成三十韵(次用本韵) s poem into the night because Thirty Rhyme time with this rhyme
酬乐天待漏入阁见赠(时乐天为中书舍人予任翰林士) fulfil Happy-go-lucky Minister of a monarchy in feudal china wait for going to court before dawn (in old china) to get inside the imperial cabinet See donated time Happy-go-lucky As in the book to any Scheeren Member of the imperial academy bachelor
酬乐天早春闲游西湖颇多野趣…亦欲粗为恬养之赠耳 fulfil Happy-go-lucky (early)spring gallivant The west lake Quite a lot of rustic charm Yi Yu Tian support the grant of crude for the ears
江边四十韵(此后并江陵时作) Riverside The number 40 *40 rhyme Thereafter and when gangneung
春六十韵 life Threescore charm
月三十韵 Diana Thirty charm
饮致用神麹酒三十韵 God Mandatory alcohol drinking Zhiyong Thirty charm
感石榴二十韵 affect Pomegranate Score charm
度门寺 Degree Tianmen Temple
大云寺二十韵 Da yun temple Score charm
牡丹二首(此后并是校书郎以前作) Peony 2 Thereafter And is to Collator predecessor