唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
与太白同之东洛至栎阳太白染疾驻行…雪后望山 AND Vesper East of Rockwell to the same Yueyang Vesper Be fall ill In looking after the snow line Mountain
酬胡三凭人问牡丹 fulfil Hu iii With people asked peony
酬乐天秋兴见赠…莫怪独吟秋兴苦比君校近二毛年 Fulfil happy-go-lucky Autumn No wonder, then singing alone to see the gifts Autumn Jun bitter than the school near Second brother year
雪后宿同轨店,上法护寺钟楼望月 Snow Shop on track after the law places the same care Temple Belfry full moon
陪韦尚书丈归履信宅,因赠韦氏兄弟 Accompanied Wei Shang shu Husband return home for gifts Webster Kutsunobu brethren
永贞二年正月二日上御丹凤楼赦天下…不及盛观 Yongjhen years The first month of the lunar year On the 2nd on the Royal Danfeng House pardon Land less pomp
韦居守晚岁常言退休之志因署其居曰大隐洞…因赠绝句 Weijushouwan years Common saying Regrade Ambition for the Department said, its home Saphenous Hole for gifts Quatrains
赠李十二牡丹花片,因以饯行 Gift Li Troubadour Peony Film, due to the Farewell
题李十一修行里居壁 Question Li Eleven Discipline Address wall
靖安穷居 pacify An poor assert
使东川。骆口驿二首 Luo Dongchuan mouth to relay 2
使东川。清明日 To make clear Dongchuan tomorrow
使东川。梁州梦 So dongchuan Okrug Dream
使东川。南秦雪 So dongchuan South Qin Xue
使东川。江楼月 So dongchuan River building Diana
使东川。惭问囚 So dongchuan Ashamed asked prisoners
使东川。江上行 So dongchuan River to go up to the north
使东川。邮亭月 So dongchuan Post house Diana
使东川。嘉陵驿二首(篇末有怀) So dongchuan Jialing Relay 2 Not yesterday Are pregnant
使东川。百牢关(奉使推小吏任敬仲) So dongchuan 100 firm push off Ancient Korea Beadle Ren Jingzhong
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷411_33
