唐代 杜牧 Du Mu  唐代   (803~852)
A Night at a Tavern
I Climb to the Leyou Tombs Before Leaving for Wuxing
By the Purple Cliff
A Mooring on the Qin Huai River
A Message to Han Cho the Yangzhou Magistrate
A Confession
In the Autumn Night
Parting I
Parting II
The Garden of the Golden Valley
Recall with emotion poem A (poem) chron- Cangzhou city use military forces
Du qiuniang Poems and Preface
County, Drinking alone by moonlight Huangzhou for
sheet Nicely Poems and Preface
Winter solstice Jixiaozhi Ah yi poem
Li Gan Shi
The feeding Luo Ji Department disabilities East Tour
Send Shen Department disabilities attend Suzhou (city) Li zhong Dr. Cheng gift line of poetry
Chang'an Accompany friend swim Hunan
Huang Feng
Snow books Huai
Rain for
Ouyoudanang Dormitories XuanZhou for
Bian Xiao-Jing mouth to Beijing first joined the Beforehand lodge at Department of war in feudal china (a surname) physician trained in herb medicine
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Early Goose

   Du Mu

Gold Creek Autumn half-Krupp string open, clouds scattered outside the flush grief.
Ming Gu Ying 仙掌 month before, the number of long dark sound of the door to light.
Notes Huji have in, how could one by one back by spring.
Few people at the mo bored Xiaoxiang, water and more cranberry wild rice shore.
  Notes Huji have in: as though a horse lightly with Hu to go.
  Mo disgust: a well is.
  Tang Wuzong Huichang years (842) in August, the Uighur ethnic minority in northern Uganda to mobilize people to the south of Khan referred harassment. Northern frontier peoples displaced scattered and miserable. Du Mu was then yellow prefectural governor, heard the news, on the frontier is deeply concerned about the fate of the people. August is the geese south for the winter began, the poet watched Zheng Yan, Chujing Thanks for the Memories, due to the "early goose" in the title, child care, meaning to describe geese scattered Flush, a metaphor suffered harassment,
  Displaced people and placed deep sympathy frontier.
  Lenovo was the first shot scattered like geese scene. Gold River, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the south today, here refers to northern frontier. "Prisoner string open," is pun pull bow hunting and launch a military harassment activities. These two vividly show a picture of frontier activities of wild surprise: the autumn of Beyond the Great Wall, the expansive boundless, is suddenly the clouds geese flying wings of the attack was Huji shot, immediately flush scattered, issued shrill whine. "Flush scattered sorrow" five words, from the modality, movement to the sound, the time to write a scenario occurred in succession, but runs through a stretch structured, it is very real condensed dynamic description.
  Jaw joint writing a "flush scattered," the sign of wild geese over the scene by Chang'an. Zhang Jian Han Shu Palace Bronze Immortal Lu plate bearing the palm rest, "仙掌" refers to this. Cool moonlight illuminates the palace towering in solitary 仙掌, this scene has been showing a bit quiet in the still and lonely; in this silent and drifting across the screen Lone Wild Goose ethereal figure, very few more in his state of the Qing and Yan Shadow of the solitary larvae. Long out of favor by house arrest house doors, lights dim, the atmosphere is full of sad bleak, in this atmosphere came the loss of several more whine group Lone Wild Goose, seemed more the realm of loneliness and yang of sadness. "Gu Ying Guo", "number of the sound to" a painted shadow, a writing voice, are associated with the "flush scattered" Accordingly, the writing is lost its flock, the geese all alone. Two scenarios described in the atmosphere of the drying dye, the most delicate and vivid. Lone Wild Goose by the site Nanzheng cold lonely figure, a vague sense that the recession era desolate atmosphere. The poet deliberately imposed to flush geese scattered over the palace in Chang'an, seems hideaway with micro-wan's satirical money. It makes one feel that living in the palace of the emperor, not only weakness, but has no intention of saving the frontier of displaced people. Light on dark, sad shadow solitary cry, the whole state, is revealing a silent indifference.
  Zheng Yan Nanfei neck Way back together again by heading north to their saying that now the barbarian cavalry archers also have covered the area around Gold River, spring season warming, how can you one by one as the warm spring breeze to return to their the home of it? Big Yanqiu to spring back, it is "by spring" and back to the idea, but here the "spring" seems both a symbolic and Xing. According to the "Mirror" _set_, Uighur intrusive frontier, the Tang Zhaoting "Chen Chao-fat, Xu, Xu, Yu, Yangyang, etc. Soldier Stationary Reclamation Taiyuan and Zhenwu, the day Germany, as soon as the spring expulsion Uighur." Court on the "spring" what can not be displaced off-site levy wild north wind it back? Dayan also Nanzheng the way, the poet already thought of them back north; is pity them flush discrete, they are different at the thought of them homeless. This is the frontier of displaced people in every possible concern. "Notes", "Qi-by", more like the face of borderland displaced affectionate tone of voice asked. Two runs through a meaning, tone, gentle, fantastic deep-wan. The deepest sympathy is with the Union to disclose the silence of indifference is in sharp contrast.
  Displaced, may not levy geese want to go, where is their destination? - "Do not people tired of Xiaoxiang at least, water and more cranberry wild rice shore." Xiaoxiang refers to this central Hunan and southern area. According to legend, wild geese, however, Hengyang, so here is to imagine that they stop off in Xiaoxiang area. Wild rice, grows in shallow water is a perennial herb of the fruit (Spear called wild rice.) Cranberry, is a Rosaceae, sub red. These two things are wild food. Poet affectionately consoled geese flying south of the sign: Do not turn away people Xiaoxiang rare open area, where water covered with wild rice cranberry ze River, although worthy of a foodstuff, it may be temporarily _set_tled down now. Poets have no alternative but to issue the console and in asked, a deeper level demonstration of affectionate and considerate of the exiles. The South and the North by the thought of return, which is a layer of twists and turns; thought of as homeless by the North back to looking in the south end, which in turn is a layer of twists and turns. Turn down through the layers of twists and turns, the poet of the frontier people have become more deeply Jinian also expressed the full and in depth. "Mo tired," the word goose worry for the South to the levy may be accustomed to the open Xiaoxiang lonely, look deep and refined, and considerate in every possible way.
  This is a generous child care, blending poetry. Xing symbolism used throughout the surface, it seems every word written geese, in fact, it is sentence to write on current affairs, write one sentence. Style Wanqu delicate, elegant subtle. And this deep-wan and delicate style to go with the light flow together harmoniously in order to ho dang Junshuang Mu as the main characteristics of poetry, is a spectacular of making.
  (Liu Kai)

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